Thursday, December 29, 2011

Unity and an Eschatological mindset



                The New Year is right around the corner! What’s more, tomorrow is Christmas. Believe it or not this is the fifty-second BRIDE email on the topic of unity. This will also be the last. I will be taking a week off and BRIDE emails will resume beginning the first Saturday of 2012. The topic of the coming year will be spiritual warfare. We will discuss what it means, what’s involved, and most importantly how to exercise the victory that we have in Jesus Christ. If you have friends, family, or acquaintances that you believe will benefit from learning about spiritual warfare please send me their email addresses so that I can add them to the recipient list! With all that is coming upon the earth, it is time for the body of Christ to arise as the powerhouse that God has appointed us to be.

                With that said, I was asked an interesting question recently. A friend of mine asked me what perspective the body of Christ should have in regards to the last days. This was a good question because many perspectives have been suggested by various sources. Some have said that we should simply focus on being “rapture ready.” This means we should be saved and prepared to vanish at any time so that we don’t have to deal with all of the negative things coming upon the earth. Another perspective suggests that we should be prepared to hide in caves, under rocks, or in holes in the ground. Some have even suggested that Jesus won’t come back until the whole world becomes Christian, so we should just keep evangelizing the lost.

                All of these suggestions have reasons for embracing them, but I am not convinced that any of these are the final say as it pertains to what perspective we should assume. As God has opened my eyes to His unfolding plan I have realized that He has a grand, awe-inspiring agenda prepared for the last days. In light of this, one passage in particular gives us a blunt glimpse of the plan that God has. The book of Daniel actually tells us what we will be doing in the last days. When we stop and consider what is truly being said it begins to reveal what kind of perspective we really should be embracing.

                “…but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits.” (Daniel 11:32)

                In order to understand the ramifications of this brief passage we must establish its timeframe. Believe it or not, the timeframe for this comment is the coming antichrist’s rule. This season will reveal the greatest evil ever released upon the earth. In spite of the darkest season history will ever record and without concern for the seemingly impossible circumstances under which they will be operating—the Christians of the last days that know their God will be strong and do exploits.

                There is nothing impossible for the true people of God because we can do all things through Christ who strengthens us (Philippians 4:13). We are not looking forward to evacuation, but to a glorious mission. However, we must know our God. These people of Daniel 11:32 will have become the answer to the following prayer of Jesus:

                “Neither pray I for these alone, but for them also which shall believe on me through their word (the testimony of the first apostles); That they all may be one, as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us: that the world may believe that thou hast sent me. And the glory which thou gavest me I have given them; that they may be one, even as we are.” (John 17:20-22)

                The implications of this prayer are staggering beyond the imagination. Jesus is essentially praying for everyone that will ever believe upon His name. However, what He prays for them is nothing short of bewildering. He prays that they will be one in the same way that He and the Father are one. There is no unity as powerful as the unity of the Godhead. Jesus prays that the church will achieve the same unity that He shares with the Father. (This unity is manifested trans-dimensionally which is why Jesus says that the unity will manifest “in us”). This unity will allow for the saints to be strong and execute great exploits in the face of the antichrist agenda.

                Jesus goes on and declares that the activation of this unity among the saints will cause the world to believe in Him. This means that the result of unity is a massive harvest of souls—a side-effect of the strength and exploits of the last day saints. Jesus also speaks about His glory. Some people think that God will not share His glory. This is not what the Bible says. The Bible says that God will not give His glory to another (Isaiah 42:8). However, He will share His glory with those found in Him. The very glory of Jesus has been given to the church. Jesus says that He has given His glory to the church that we might become one in Him. This glory will empower unity, strength and great exploits in the last days.

                Unity is inseparable from the coming moves of God. As I have said before, unity is not an end in and of itself. Unity is necessary in order to achieve the things that God has planned for the last days. Moreover, I am not speaking of a counterfeit unity based around a globalist agenda. This is a false unity and it is a counterfeit and a means of control. There is only one true unity and that is unity based on the common goal of coming to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). As the year winds to a close, let us keep in mind that Jesus has more prepared for us than we can imagine. Let us together press on towards the mark of the prize of the high calling in Christ Jesus (Philippians 3:14)!


1.       What perspective regarding the last days have you embraced until this point?

2.       What perspective regarding the last days does Daniel 11:32 suggest we should embrace?

3.       When Jesus prays for the unity of the church, what kind of unity does He pray for?

4.       What are some of the most powerful lessons in reference to unity in the body of Christ that you have learned in the past year?

5.       Do you have any suggestions that will allow me to improve these letters in the coming year? (Feel free to email me the answer to this question)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Power of the Blood

                The old saying, “There’s power in the blood,” is as relevant today as it was on the day that the blood dripped from the body of Jesus. Why is the blood powerful? In order to understand the power of the blood of Jesus we must understand the system of dealing with sin that God instituted. All sin had to be paid for, and the payment for sin has always been blood. The first sin—when Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil—was paid for with blood. This blood was shed when God killed an animal and used the skins to clothe Adam and Eve.

“Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them” (Genesis 3:21)

                This set up a pattern. This pattern followed into the sacrifices of Cain and Abel. God respected Abel’s sacrifice because it was a blood sacrifice. God did not respect Cain’s sacrifice because it was not a blood sacrifice.

“And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the LORD. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the LORD had respect unto Abel and to his offering: But unto Cain and to his offering he had not respect. And Cain was very wroth, and his countenance fell.” (Genesis 4:3-5)

 Why does it have to be blood? This is a very relevant question, particularly from our cultural standpoint. Most would cringe at the thought of attending a blood sacrifice ritual. The matter comes down to the issue of life and death. The Bible is clear that the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). When Adam and Eve sinned, death entered by that sin (Romans 5:12). Since sin brings death, this must be counterbalanced by life. Life is the opposite of death. Where is life to be found? Life is found in the blood.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.” (Leviticus 17:11)

Where ever there is sin, death is given entrance. When life is introduced, death is defeated. The blood sacrifice introduces life. The blood sacrifice releases the life that is necessary to make atonement for our souls. This is important because God’s goal is to redeem us from death. God calls death His enemy. In fact, God’s ultimate plan is to destroy death altogether.

“The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.” (1 Corinthians 15:26)

In order to crush the problem of sin and overcome death God appointed a solution. A sacrifice was to be made whose blood contained enough life to destroy the power of sin forever. There was only one sacrifice that had the power to do this. God had to sacrifice His only begotten Son, because the blood that His Son carried contained the very life of God. By the shedding of this blood, Jesus would become the ultimate payment for the sins of mankind. The Greek word that refers to the life of God is the Word zoe, and this is the term that Jesus employs in the following verse.

“Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life [zoe]: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” (John 14:26)

                Not only did this life abide in Jesus, but when it was poured out it gave us access to the very life of God. This life was passed down to us through the breaking of His body and the shedding of His blood. This is one of the reasons why communion is so powerful—the wine represents the blood that forever broke the power of sin and gave us access to the very life of God.

                “Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you. Whoso eateth my flesh [the communion bread], and drinketh my blood [the communion wine], hath eternal life [zoe]; and I will raise him up at the last day.” (John 6:53-54)

                The word propitiation means to atone for; it can also be defined as an expiatory work. In plain English propitiation is the means by which man is reconciled to God. Jesus, by shedding His blood, became the means by which we were reconciled to God. This is why He is the only door (John 10:9) and why salvation is by grace through faith in Jesus Christ alone (Ephesians 2:8).

“And he is the propitiation for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world.” (1 John 2:2)

                As we begin to understand the power and purpose of the blood of Jesus, a lot of things begin to go deeper. This leads into the concept of the family of God. God is big on family. One thing that all families share is a common bloodline. When God set out to create a family, He decided that He was going to birth children into His own kingdom. This is why we are born again. We must be born into the kingdom of God, and this is a spiritual birth into the life of God. At this point we not only become members of God’s family, but also members of God’s blood line. The same blood that was in Jesus is the blood that works in us.

“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named” (Ephesians 3:14-15)

                As Christians we are a family united by the bloodline of God. The same life force that redeemed us from sin literally runs in our spiritual veins fueling us with the life of God. This blood allows God to grant us eternal life! In light of this an important question must be asked. How is it that such a supernaturally strong force can be working in us, yet unity among the body of Christ remains a fleeting thought throughout much of Christendom? We truly are blood brothers and sisters in Christ, let’s tap into that.


1.       What are the wages of sin?
2.       How does a blood sacrifice make atonement for sin?
3.       What is the meaning of the word “propitiation”?
4.       What kind of life abides in the blood of Jesus?
5.       What is the role of the blood of Jesus is the family of God?

Transdimensional Church

                The nature of the human spirit, particularly when considering the spiritual nature of the Christian, is truly an amazing concept. This week we are going to explore some deep spiritual implications regarding the spiritual nature and tie it in with our function as the body of Christ. We are going to pick up with a comment made by Paul in the book of Ephesians.

                “And hath put all things under his [Jesus’] feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” (Ephesians 1:22-23)

                This passage is the tail end of a prayer written down by the apostle beginning in verse 16. To be honest, I recommend to everyone that this prayer be memorized and prayed on a regular basis because it is supremely powerful. Nonetheless, when we arrive at the end of the prayer we learn some important lessons.
He begins by saying that all things have been put under the feet of Jesus. This is interesting because when I look outside my window I don’t actually see the foot of Jesus stepping on anything. Do you? Of course not! So then if all things are under the feet of Jesus, where are his feet? This sounds like a silly question but I am very serious. When we read this we often immediately think: Oh that’s just an expression. Is it really? I propose that it’s much more than an expression.
If we do not regard this as an expression then we have to figure out why when we look outside of our windows we don’t see the feet of Jesus standing on everything. How does this work? The answer is that the feet of Jesus, being located in the third heaven (2 Corinthians 10:2-4), are fixed in a dimensionally superior position. Jesus has been seated in heavenly places in the third heaven at the right hand of the Father.

“which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places (Ephesians 1:20 NKJV)

Every dimensional realm or “heavenly place” where the activity of Satan is permitted is therefore underneath the feet of Jesus.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places” (Ephesians 6:12 NKJV)
In order to comprehend what I’m about to tell you, it is going to require a conscious decision on your part to stretch the realms of your understanding. Going into the deeper truths of God requires a dismissal of unilateral thinking. We often try to bring the Word of God down into a framework that accommodates a practical approach. This is okay at times, but to truly walk out our inheritance involves allowing the Word of God to bring us up into a heavenly framework to accommodate a heavenly approach.
Notice that the phrase “heavenly places” is plural in both Ephesians 1:20 and Ephesians 6:12. One group of heavenly places houses wicked spirits. Another group houses Jesus and the realms of heaven. The group of heavenly places that houses Jesus is defined by the Bible as the third heaven. Therefore, beneath this realm are more heavenly places that can be understood as the second heaven. This is the spiritual realm from which Satan and his kingdom conducts their activity.
Within the respective heavens are multiple dimensions. This is why the phrase “heavenly places” is plural in both occasions.  Notice that Jesus is seated in heavenly places. A single person (Jesus Christ) is said to occupy multiple dimensions. The existence that Jesus enjoys in heaven is a trans-dimensional existence. Moreover, this trans-dimensional existence extends right through the second heaven and into our world because the Bible says that Christ is in us.
“To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.” (Colossians 1:27)
Not only does Jesus Christ enjoy a trans-dimensional existence, but so do Christians. All humans are born as trans-dimensional entities because of the fact that we have a spirit. Our spirit participates in the spiritual realm while running our physical body on this dimensional plane. It is therefore, trans-dimensional. While we have a conscious mind (soul) and a subconscious mind (heart) we also have an unconscious mind which comes from the spiritual experiences that we have neither conscious nor subconscious awareness of. What distinguishes Christians from other people is the fact that our trans-dimensional nature extends all the way into the dimension containing the throne of God (which is the beginning and end of eternity). Jesus is seated at the right hand of the Father and we are seated in Him.
“and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus” (Ephesians 2:6 NKJV)
This is why we can come boldly to the throne of grace (Hebrews 4:16). Only once we understand all of these things can we understand the passage that we began with. Here it is again:
“And hath put all things under his [Jesus’] feet, and gave him to be the head over all things to the church, Which is his body, the fulness of him that filleth all in all.” (Ephesians 1:22-23)

The church is the body of Christ and the fullness of Him that fills all in all. Just as Jesus in His trans-dimensional identity fills all in all so that He is omnipresent, so the church corporately partakes of the omnipresent nature of Christ in the heavenly places. Doing battle with a church that has a full revelation of the power we wield corporately is what the devil is scared to death of. It is my prayer that as you meditate on this letter, you will begin to comprehend these higher concepts. There is much more that can be said on these things, but we will save that for another time.

1.       Is the church the body of Christ?
2.       What does it mean to have a trans-dimensional nature?
3.       Is Jesus trans-dimensional?
4.       Are you trans-dimensional?
5.       What does this mean for the church acting in unity?

Saturday, December 3, 2011


                We are officially in the last month of the year. For the past eleven months we have been focusing on the power, the purpose, and the necessity of unity in the body of Christ. The reason we need unity is because many of the works that God wants to do in the coming years will require increasing degrees of unity among His people. Unity is not an end in and of itself, but it is a means to an end. We must begin to grasp this, it is imperative.

                After this month is over the focus of BRIDE emails will most likely be transitioning. I’m not yet sure what direction God will take these emails, but this will undoubtedly be clarified by the beginning of 2012. The year 2012 is going to be a major part of our discussion this week. There is quite a lot of buzz regarding what it will bring, and this week we are going to bring out some important elements.

I have a great deal of confidence that the enemy has big plans for the following year. Will it be the end of the world as some have suggested? Don’t count on it. The real danger of the year has to do with the astrological significance of the planetary alignment that will be occurring. What many don’t understand is that witchcraft in all its various forms and identities is largely based around the cycles of celestial bodies like the sun, moon, and planets. Without going into too much detail, suffice it to say that we can expect unprecedented coordination of rituals throughout the entire kingdom of darkness in an attempt to take advantage of the fact that our solar system will be coming into alignment with what is known as the galactic center.

                This alignment with the galactic center is something that only happens once every 25,920 years. To put this into perspective, if one were to hold a strict young earth view (meaning that they believe the entire history of events on earth is confined to roughly a 6,000 year period) then they would have to accept that earth has never experienced this alignment before. On December 21 of next year, our sun is expected to rise in perfect alignment with the galactic center pictured below. The galactic center is also known as the mouth of the ouroboros (the snake which eats its own tail according to esoteric belief).

                With such an astrologically significant event occurring there will probably be preparations throughout the year by the kingdom of darkness to make sure that full advantage is taken of this astrological alignment. So why should we be concerned? I think the answer is obvious.
                Whether people involved in darkness realize it or not, the very underlying structures of their respective belief systems will be pulling them together in the following year. These underlying structures involve the common beliefs in astrological alignments and their importance. In other words, I expect for the following year to serve as a unifying force within the kingdom of darkness among other things. Will the body of Christ step it up to shut down what the enemy is trying to do? I certainly hope so.

                A major problem that I have become increasingly aware of in the body of Christ is that we really don’t know what to rally around. At the most basic level, Christianity is divided into those that consider themselves evangelical and those that do not. To be evangelical basically means to believe that we must be saved by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Obviously, groups that do not believe this have little business claiming to be Christian. Moreover, even if they try to unite with evangelicals, what are they going to effectively unite around?
                The answer is usually good works like feeding the hungry and getting medical attention for those that can’t afford it. These are good causes but the problem is that humanitarian causes do not require any form of spirituality whatsoever. Moreover, they can be done in the name of any god. The solution to the problem of unity in the body of Christ will not be found in figuring out ways to feed the hungry together. This must be done, but the calling of the church is higher.

                One of these major calls is spiritual warfare. There is only one group of people in the world that is capable of destroying the works of the enemy on a spiritual plane. This is the true church of Jesus Christ.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Corinthians 10:4)

The church must unite around the very purpose for which we have been placed into the earth. This purpose is actually to corporately come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). We will never achieve this by continually putting all of our efforts towards feeding the hungry and providing humanitarian aid only. There is so much involved in this, and it will require heavy duty warfare with the powers of darkness. Unfortunately, most Christian leaders know little of how to train people in or personally carry out heavy duty spiritual warfare. This leaves the body of Christ largely defenseless against large scale efforts of the enemy. At this point I’m going to put it plainly: the year 2012 will result in large scale efforts by the enemy.

So what are we going to do? I believe that it’s time for all of us to personally seek out training in our spiritual weaponry from leaders that are equipped. We are going to need it to face the coming increase in darkness. We also need to deepen our relationships with Jesus, without which we will never become effective spiritual warriors. We need to unite with those that are of a similar mind to begin to shut down the works of the enemy and establish righteousness. We need to open ourselves up to receive the truth about what the enemy is already doing and stop plugging up our spiritual ears when we get “uncomfortable”.

Consider that the whole earth is built around an extremely hot core. In the same way, a united body of believers will effectively unite around an extremely hot core. I challenge you to be part of that hot core, because the moves of God that are coming are going to be built around forerunners that are hot, powerful, and well able.

“And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” (Numbers 13:30)


1.       Is unity an end in and of itself?
2.       Should we be worried that 2012 is the end of the world?
3.       What is actually going to happen on December 21, 2012?
4.       Who is the only group of people capable of truly destroying the works of the devil in the spirit realm?
5.       Are you an effective spiritual warrior, why or why not?

Saturday, November 26, 2011


                As you are well aware, this past Thursday was Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is a time for get-togethers and reflection on all of the things we are thankful for. It is a celebration of the blessings that we enjoy in our lives. A common theme of thankfulness is the presence of family with whom we can share the ups and downs of life.

                Nonetheless, not all families are as functional as others. Some are downright dysfunctional. The most unfortunate part is that it often seems that the families that should be the most functional often have the most dysfunction. This is particularly true of a family I am going to share about today. This family is the family of God on earth.

“For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Of whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named” (Ephesians 3:14-15)

It is no good for any family to be in a state of feuding. When any family is broken into factions it weakens the family as a whole. It removes a foundation of identity and it opens up doors for the enemy to work his wickedness. The fact that the family of God is broken up into many factions and divided against each other is not good. Reconciliation must be established and for this cause we have all been given the ministry of reconciliation.

“And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation” (2 Corinthians 5:18)

The fact that the body of Christ is a family is poorly understood by a majority of Christians. If we are honest with ourselves, we often view other Christians as people that share the same religion that we adhere to. We give them little consideration beyond this. We don’t look at fellow believers as family and in this way it becomes all too easy to dismiss them as less important to our lives than they really are.

If we compare our approach to fellow believers with the approach of the first church our approach to Christianity is honestly unacceptable.

“And they continued stedfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers. And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs were done by the apostles. And all that believed were together, and had all things common; And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all men, as every man had need. And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart, Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.” (Acts 2:42-47)

This year, I challenge you not only to be thankful for your relatives and the other blessings in your life, but also for every person that is your brother or sister in Christ. I am convinced that if we begin with an attitude of thankfulness towards one another it will make it easier to break the walls that separate us.


1.       What are you thankful to God for?
2.       Do you consider other Christians your family?
3.       How often have you felt that other Christians viewed you like family?
4.       How does the church of Acts 2 compare with your experience?
5.       How do you think that God feels as the Father of such a dysfunctional family?

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Issue of Self

                When we think about the practicality of unifying people, it never fails that one thing must first be overcome: Self. Until we get “self” out of the way it is impossible for us to live for anything that is above ourselves. Our selfishness actually becomes our limiting factor. The problem is that many Christians are unaware that they are failing to overcome in this area. Whether they realize it or not they are obstacles. They are the enemies of unity.

                There are several approaches to Christianity. Some are better than others, most are counterfeits. The “self-exaltation” approach is one that many find themselves comfortable with. This approach embraces Christianity to a degree, but then exalts the agenda of the individual far above the agenda of God. For this person Christianity is little more than a “hobby.” Maybe they like the pastor of their church. Maybe they like the blessing that the tithe brings on their business. However, it may just be that they are looking for the social status involved with being a regular church attendee. In short, they are lukewarm. For those that fall into this category, the following verses are particularly applicable.

 “So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” (Revelation 3:16)

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away…” (John 15:1-2)

These people disrespect their Maker with the way that they approach Him. They spit in the face of God with their attitude and expect God to give them a pat on the back for their time. They look at the very God of the universe as if He owes them something. They exalt themselves above the knowledge of Christ, and apply their Christianity when it’s convenient.

There are other approaches to Christianity, however, that actually become self-destructive as opposed to self-exalting. This can include the “guilt-based” approach to Christianity. This approach becomes a form of bondage in an individual’s life. While they see themselves as being maximally religious they actually become self-serving in a destructive sense. This is the person caught in the cycle of “try to be Christian, fail at being Christian, beat myself up because I’m not a good Christian, and try to be a Christian again…”
The problem with this approach is that too much time is spent nursing a self-destructive cycle. In the end, these individuals are rendered ineffective in their ability to further to kingdom of God. They are actually no better at getting things done than those that are self-exalting. At the end of the day, both have failed to get “self” out of the way. The guilt-based Christian steals time away from God to invest it in self-blame and condemnation. The guilt-based Christian is usually in need of a new perspective of God and deliverance from un-forgiveness towards self. Discipleship is also an important part of resolving these issues.

Another type of self-destructive approach to Christianity is the “overly available” Christian. This unfortunately includes many present day leaders in the church. It often includes the “inner circle” of volunteers in many churches as well. These people spend so much time trying to do things for God that they spiritually dry up and become ineffective. Many times, they use it as an excuse for true spirituality and relationship with God. Even if they begin with the right intentions, they eventually fall out of relationship with God and substitute it for relationship with ministry. These people are also failing to get “self” out of the way. Ministry is work, just like anything else. Although ministry is intended to further the agenda of the kingdom we are to first build spiritually. Ministry should manifest as the natural outflow of relationships that leaders share with God. Unfortunately, some people want to build in the natural and convince others that they are doing a spiritual thing. Their ministry becomes an excuse for selfish pursuits and a way to earn the approval of others. When Martha complained that Mary wasn’t helping her do chores because she was sitting at Jesus’ feet, Jesus rebuked Martha—not Mary.

“But Martha was cumbered about much serving, and came to him, and said, Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? bid her therefore that she help me. And Jesus answered and said unto her, Martha, Martha, thou art careful and troubled about many things: But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” (Luke 10:40-42)

                There are other counterfeit approaches to Christianity that could be discussed but I’m going to cut to the chase. The approach to Christianity that is called for by the Bible is a sacrificial pursuit of relationship with God. This is the kind of sacrifice that will cause a person to go without food and water because they are longing for their lover. This is the kind of sacrifice that will cause a person drop what they are doing to follow Jesus regardless of personal cost. This is the sacrifice of a wife that will do whatever it takes to embrace the fullness of her husband’s heart.

                “Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.” (Revelation 19:7)

                Sacrificial lovers are the most effective Christians. They are entirely wrapped up in the lover of their souls, Jesus Christ, and don’t have room to be wrapped up in “self.” In fact, they have died to “self.” When it comes to the discussion of unity, it truly becomes a question of sacrifice. Unity requires sacrificing the agenda of “self” for the betterment of the whole. Today, many can’t embrace unity because they are too wrapped up in “self.” Who are you wrapped up in?

“I protest by your rejoicing which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.” (1 Corinthians 15:31)


1.       What areas of your life are still dedicated to selfish ambitions?

2.       In what practical ways can selfishness sabotage attempts at unity?

3.       What ways, other than those described in this letter, have you witnessed others exalt “self”?

4.       What does being a sacrificial lover mean to you?

5.       What does it mean to you to “die daily”?

Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Illuminati

                I want to begin this week with a question. Have you ever heard the phrase: if it were a snake it would have bit you? This phrase is usually used to describe a situation when an individual completely overlooks something that is right in their face. Think about a time when someone in your family asked you to get them something and then told you exactly where it was. When you went to get it you looked in the area, glancing right at the thing (whatever it was) and then went back to them claiming it wasn’t there. Aggravated, they dropped what they were doing to take you with them and fetch the object from exactly where they told you it was. Only at that point did you realize that if it were a snake, it would have bit you.

                There are proverbial snakes in the world today. What many in the church don’t understand is that they are already getting bitten by them. They look them in the face regularly, but are entirely blind to what is actually going on. They do not have the discernment to recognize what they are looking at, nor do most want it.

                I am going to present shocking information. It is my prayer that the majority that read this will receive these difficult things. The absence of knowledge contributes to the destruction of God’s people. Therefore, those things which are spoken of in darkness must be heard in the light.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6)

Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” (Luke 12:3)

The fact of the matter is: The Illuminati are real.

If you thought this was just a fictional organization or the stuff of conspiracy theorists you couldn’t be further from the truth. The goal of the Illuminati is global domination. They are the masterminds behind the New World Order… at least on the human side of things.
Before I go any further you are inevitably thinking, “Hold on… that is a bold claim. Where is the evidence?!” Here is a list of sources that will undoubtedly change the way you view this world. I am heavily burdened by the level of ignorance pertaining to these things. This is especially true because I already know that I am called to be a leader when all of this “hits the fan.” So here is the evidence, not only for the illuminati, but also for mind control, secret operations, non-human entities, underground base activity, bloodlines in the kingdom of darkness, parallel dimensions, and the infiltration of the church. The fact of the matter is that most of us have been blind to so much for so long. Many of the following links are interviews: WARNING, there will be some graphic details that are shared. I do not recommend playing the following links with young children around. These first two links come from ex-illuminati born-again believers.

The following links are auxiliary as they will give a wide range of information involving many more issues converging around the illuminist agenda. Not all of these sources are Christian, so the interviewees may not all have perspectives that are in line with Scripture. Take these stories with a grain of salt.

                This seems to be how it works. The illuminati are a group of generational Luciferians that trace their lineages back to ancient civilizations (although traditional research provides an official modern day inception of 1776). They operate in secrecy through the use of occult science. They have infiltrated all levels of government, free-masonry, media, banking, and other areas of society with their members. This seems to be their pattern of relaying their agenda from generation to generation:

1.       They marry according to bloodlines and compatibility
2.       Their children are abused (in every way imaginable) to create dissociation in them
3.       The abuse fractures their core person (spiritual/soul level) and allows for the creation of multiple personalities rendering them victims of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
4.       Their personalities are programmed, structured, trained, and often demonized for the overall purpose of executing agendas with the goal of bringing about a “New World Order.”
5.       Their created personalities (alters) conduct all of the hidden, dark activity of the cult while “normal” personalities come in to present during the individual’s everyday life.
6.       The “alters” of these individuals have all of the occult powers and skill sets programmed into the individual. They conduct all of the abuse, rituals, and missions, while the person retains no memory of what they are doing. This allows one mind controlled generation to program the next, all the while leaving the spiritual hierarchy of darkness in complete control.
7.       The fact that the many of these individuals retain no memory of what they are doing allows the enemy to seed his people into the church, key areas of society, the military, the education system, etc. The people themselves often have no idea about what occurs when their “alters” are presenting. This also allows the enemy to seed “sleepers” into society that are programmed to “awaken” under certain planned scenarios like the bringing of martial law to America and the arrival of antichrist. A whole lot about this can be gleaned from the book The Black Awakening by Russ Dizdar.

This pattern is the very similar to the techniques used to create sex-slaves, super-soldiers, “Manchurian candidates” and other assets as revealed in the testimonies above through avenues like MK-Ultra in the US and Project Mannequin in the UK. These methods have been refined in the past 70 years through black research beginning in Nazi Germany and continuing into this country under project paperclip.

This is what the church is up against now. In our very pews, neighborhoods, education system, government, military, etc. are members of an extremely wicked cult (and its sister organizations) that may or may not have any idea what they belong to. The highest level bloodline illuminati are members of royal families. Added to this is the non-human side of things—something that is harder to explain. It ultimately boils down to fallen angels and their children… they are not “aliens.” When I speak of “children” I am not just referring to direct angel to human offspring as discussed by Doug Riggs, who works with deprogramming nephilim mothers. “Children” also includes second and third generation hybrids, clones, demons, and genetic abominations that come as a result of genetic experimentations by angels. This is referenced in several of the eye-witness testimonies included above. These things were spoken of by the prophet Daniel when he said “they” would mingle themselves with the seed of men.
“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.” (Daniel 2:43)

The current church is primarily looking to leaders that are scared to death of the things discussed in this letter. The average leader in the body of Christ is absolutely unequipped to deal with the implications of this activity. Even those that are willing to acknowledge these issues won’t be caught speaking out about them, and if they do they are most likely putting all of their hope in a pre-tribulation rapture. Finding leaders that are prepared to equip the body of Christ to prevail through these things has been close to impossible—until now.
God is building an army that the world does not yet see or follow. When the leadership of institutionalized religion fails, true leaders will arise. Under them the church will come to inevitable unity because like I have said—it is not optional. I am not afraid and I do not plan on being “evacuated.” I am a leader of the church of the last days and I know that there are others like me. There is no escape, just a job to do.


1.       What are your thoughts after listening to Mary Ann?
2.       What are your thoughts after listening to Svali?
3.       What are your thoughts after learning about the history of the illuminati?
4.       How can unity help the church to become more effective in confronting the enemy?
5.       What are you learning from the other testimonies linked to this letter?