Greetings, We are officially in the last month of the year. For the past eleven months we have been focusing on the power, the purpose, and the necessity of unity in the body of Christ. The reason we need unity is because many of the works that God wants to do in the coming years will require increasing degrees of unity among His people. Unity is not an end in and of itself, but it is a means to an end. We must begin to grasp this, it is imperative.
After this month is over the focus of BRIDE emails will most likely be transitioning. I’m not yet sure what direction God will take these emails, but this will undoubtedly be clarified by the beginning of 2012. The year 2012 is going to be a major part of our discussion this week. There is quite a lot of buzz regarding what it will bring, and this week we are going to bring out some important elements.
I have a great deal of confidence that the enemy has big plans for the following year. Will it be the end of the world as some have suggested? Don’t count on it. The real danger of the year has to do with the astrological significance of the planetary alignment that will be occurring. What many don’t understand is that witchcraft in all its various forms and identities is largely based around the cycles of celestial bodies like the sun, moon, and planets. Without going into too much detail, suffice it to say that we can expect unprecedented coordination of rituals throughout the entire kingdom of darkness in an attempt to take advantage of the fact that our solar system will be coming into alignment with what is known as the galactic center.
This alignment with the galactic center is something that only happens once every 25,920 years. To put this into perspective, if one were to hold a strict young earth view (meaning that they believe the entire history of events on earth is confined to roughly a 6,000 year period) then they would have to accept that earth has never experienced this alignment before. On December 21 of next year, our sun is expected to rise in perfect alignment with the galactic center pictured below. The galactic center is also known as the mouth of the ouroboros (the snake which eats its own tail according to esoteric belief).
With such an astrologically significant event occurring there will probably be preparations throughout the year by the kingdom of darkness to make sure that full advantage is taken of this astrological alignment. So why should we be concerned? I think the answer is obvious.
Whether people involved in darkness realize it or not, the very underlying structures of their respective belief systems will be pulling them together in the following year. These underlying structures involve the common beliefs in astrological alignments and their importance. In other words, I expect for the following year to serve as a unifying force within the kingdom of darkness among other things. Will the body of Christ step it up to shut down what the enemy is trying to do? I certainly hope so.
A major problem that I have become increasingly aware of in the body of Christ is that we really don’t know what to rally around. At the most basic level, Christianity is divided into those that consider themselves evangelical and those that do not. To be evangelical basically means to believe that we must be saved by a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Obviously, groups that do not believe this have little business claiming to be Christian. Moreover, even if they try to unite with evangelicals, what are they going to effectively unite around?
The answer is usually good works like feeding the hungry and getting medical attention for those that can’t afford it. These are good causes but the problem is that humanitarian causes do not require any form of spirituality whatsoever. Moreover, they can be done in the name of any god. The solution to the problem of unity in the body of Christ will not be found in figuring out ways to feed the hungry together. This must be done, but the calling of the church is higher.
One of these major calls is spiritual warfare. There is only one group of people in the world that is capable of destroying the works of the enemy on a spiritual plane. This is the true church of Jesus Christ.
“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds” (2 Corinthians 10:4)
The church must unite around the very purpose for which we have been placed into the earth. This purpose is actually to corporately come to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:13). We will never achieve this by continually putting all of our efforts towards feeding the hungry and providing humanitarian aid only. There is so much involved in this, and it will require heavy duty warfare with the powers of darkness. Unfortunately, most Christian leaders know little of how to train people in or personally carry out heavy duty spiritual warfare. This leaves the body of Christ largely defenseless against large scale efforts of the enemy. At this point I’m going to put it plainly: the year 2012 will result in large scale efforts by the enemy.
So what are we going to do? I believe that it’s time for all of us to personally seek out training in our spiritual weaponry from leaders that are equipped. We are going to need it to face the coming increase in darkness. We also need to deepen our relationships with Jesus, without which we will never become effective spiritual warriors. We need to unite with those that are of a similar mind to begin to shut down the works of the enemy and establish righteousness. We need to open ourselves up to receive the truth about what the enemy is already doing and stop plugging up our spiritual ears when we get “uncomfortable”.
Consider that the whole earth is built around an extremely hot core. In the same way, a united body of believers will effectively unite around an extremely hot core. I challenge you to be part of that hot core, because the moves of God that are coming are going to be built around forerunners that are hot, powerful, and well able.
“And Caleb stilled the people before Moses, and said, Let us go up at once, and possess it; for we are well able to overcome it.” (Numbers 13:30)
1. Is unity an end in and of itself?
2. Should we be worried that 2012 is the end of the world?
3. What is actually going to happen on December 21, 2012?
4. Who is the only group of people capable of truly destroying the works of the devil in the spirit realm?
5. Are you an effective spiritual warrior, why or why not?