Originally aired on February 11th, 2016
The following is a text based version of this program
You've been lied to, but you don’t know how.
You’ve searched, you’ve struggled, you’ve cried out.
You want the truth, but where is it?
You’ve wandered, you’ve fought, you’ve strived, and you have not been satisfied.
What is truth? Where is truth? Who is Truth?
The Kingdom of God.
Mind control.
The last days.
Higher dimensions.
The power of faith.
Discovering the truth.
Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No man come to the Father but through me.”
God has promised that he will hide us under his feathers, and under His wings, we will trust. His truth shall be our shield and our buckler. Discovering the truth with Dan Duval, is the premier program that is designed to center you on the kingdom of God, to equip you with faith in Jesus Christ, and to unveil the truth behind the lies. This program is designed to show you how to become more than you have ever imagined through the power of truth. “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” And now, prepare for your host, Dan Duval.
God has promised that he will hide us under his feathers, and under His wings, we will trust. His truth shall be our shield and our buckler. Discovering the truth with Dan Duval, is the premier program that is designed to center you on the kingdom of God, to equip you with faith in Jesus Christ, and to unveil the truth behind the lies. This program is designed to show you how to become more than you have ever imagined through the power of truth. “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” And now, prepare for your host, Dan Duval.
[Dan] -You’re listening to Discovering The Truth, with Dan Duval. This program is designed to center you on the kingdom of God, to equip you with faith in Jesus Christ, and to unveil the truth behind the lies. This program is a production of Bride Ministries and you can find us at
Now this program I’m calling, “Freedom from Principalities.” And you know, this may turn out to be one of the most important programs I’ve ever done. We will see. This entire program is designed to be a tool, as a matter of fact, I’ll just start off by saying, as of the airing of this program, I will be adding to the ministry website a resource, and it’s going to be called “Freedom from Principalities.” It is going to be the prayer that I am going to be talking about in this entire program, but instead of all of the extra information I’ll be giving you, it’s just going to be the prayer itself boiled down into something that you can download and use. And the reason I’m doing this program is because, well, the Lord put it on my heart. I haven’t really talked too much about how to get a person free from a principality on this program, simply because we’re so busy talking about so many other things. But folks, the reality of the situation is, I, in the ministry God has assigned to me, have to deal with high-ranking powers in the heavens every day!
Now this program I’m calling, “Freedom from Principalities.” And you know, this may turn out to be one of the most important programs I’ve ever done. We will see. This entire program is designed to be a tool, as a matter of fact, I’ll just start off by saying, as of the airing of this program, I will be adding to the ministry website a resource, and it’s going to be called “Freedom from Principalities.” It is going to be the prayer that I am going to be talking about in this entire program, but instead of all of the extra information I’ll be giving you, it’s just going to be the prayer itself boiled down into something that you can download and use. And the reason I’m doing this program is because, well, the Lord put it on my heart. I haven’t really talked too much about how to get a person free from a principality on this program, simply because we’re so busy talking about so many other things. But folks, the reality of the situation is, I, in the ministry God has assigned to me, have to deal with high-ranking powers in the heavens every day!
I am confronting powers in the heavens every single day it seems like, at least Monday through Friday, I take Saturday’s off. And it’s not uncommon for me to be back at it on Sunday with some kind of emergency, or some kind of person reaching out that I don’t have time for during the week, or whatever-have-you, and sometimes I’ll be dealing with something on a Sunday afternoon. But the reality is, I am spending so much time so the frontlines of the battle, I have learned a few things. Maybe just one or two! Realistically, we have dealt with so many things. I really felt it impressed upon my heart this week, the Lord was like, “You’ve got to tell them what you’re doing, Daniel, and why you’re doing it.” And the reason why is because you can’t keep having every single person that listens to this program reach out to me and say, “I need help!” And, “I want Dan Duval to help me!” Because I am really feeling horrible about the fact that, like, I sat down the other day to work on emails, and I am a month behind on emails coming through our website. I mean, a month! It’s like February 7th the other day, and I’m answering emails from January 7th! But that, that just goes to show you how slammed I’ve been, right? And so, what do I need to do? Well, I need to equip people! I need to give you the tools that God has given me, so that can lead you to do what He is doing through me, and that way everybody is blessed. And so we’re doing a program on Freedom from Principalities. The reality of the situation is that dealing with a heavenly prince is different from dealing with a low-level demon. Dealing with a heavenly prince is different from dealing with a low-level demon.
Now, I’m doing this program a bit different, if you listen to this program on YouTube, you never get announcements, because I don’t talk about it. But since I have no guests this week, I’m actually gonna slide a few things right in there before I get into the rest of the meat of this program. Look, my books, “Kingdom Government And The Promise of Sheep Nations,” and “Higher Dimensions, Parallel Dimensions, and The Spirit Realm” are revolutions. And I just want to let everybody know those are available, that more people that are turning around and saying, “Hmm, Dan Duval writes books? Maybe I should read one of them.” We’re getting a lot of really positive testimony and feedback on these books. I mean, people, their thinking is being challenged, and they are being empowered to go to another level with Jesus,and in the effectiveness of their walk, and in their perspective of this world. Folks, get your hands on those! Also, we have a DVD from my conference in Australia. And I talked about the Kingdom for an entire conference. Those DVD’s are at my website, Get your hands on that stuff, these are all tools for you.
Now, in addition to that, some of the other stuff we’re doing is really exciting. We’re pushing towards starting an internet based ministry service. We are reaching out and helping survivors of Satanic Ritual Abuse, and government sponsored mind-control projects that have dissociative identity disorder. We are underwriting the help of people, we are expanding the number of people we are able to help in accordance with the resources that open up to us. Where are the resources coming from? The generous listeners to our program! You guys that bless us are blessing the Kingdom, and helping people that can’t find help other places. Because no one wants to touch some of these issues with a ten foot pole! We’re diving into the front, and we’re saying, “We’ll do it! Lord God! We’ll help!” And we’re building solutions. So again, all of this stuff we talk about at the website,, where you can also find the prayer resources tab, and the prayer that I’m going to be getting into in this program, called “Freedom from Principalities.”
Now, let me preface this by giving a bit of a disclaimer. Okay, there’s a lot of talk in the body of Christ which I agree with. It says, you need to leave the principalities alone, any kind of power in the heavens, what-have-you, leave them there, they belong where they are. If you go and try to attack them, you’re going to get creamed. Well, you know what? Amen. If you’re a baby christian, if you’re not called, if you’re not appointed, if you’re not assigned this task of going after them in the spirit realm, specifically over actual geographical territories, so on, and so forth, you’re going to get creamed every time. But that’s not exactly what we’re talking about in this program, okay?
So I just want to make that distinction. This program is not about how to attack your territorial spirit in the area which you live. That is a separate conversation, and on that issue, and really, you can’t even have that conversation apart from the revelation that God has generals in His Kingdom, and He’s not going to make war on another territory without appointing a general in the army to the task. And He’s certainly not calling the babies and the little children in His Kingdom to run around and throw pebbles at these giant spirits thinking that that’s going to get something done. It doesn’t.
What we’re talking about today, is how to get free when a prince in the heavens has anchored themselves to you, or someone you are ministering deliverance to. I’m not talking about taking the city of New York from the prince that sits over the city, I’m talking about getting free from a heavenly prince that is interfaced with you, or the person you are ministering to. This is the conversation we are having today, which is why we are calling it, “Freedom From Principalities.” And see, I say that in the process of getting freedom in Christ Jesus, it can be necessary at times to separate from principalities and other types of fallen angels in the heavens. Separating from a fallen angel’s influence is different than say, casting out a low-level demon. Angels, and fallen heavenly powers, they interface with people, but do not typically possess, or even desire to spend a significant amount of time in a human under their control.
Where do you see this? Well, Satan, you know what he did, he entered Judas. For a moment! But then Satan didn’t stick around, he went in, and came out. And as a matter of fact, three-and-a-half years earlier when Jesus was starting His ministry, Satan showed up while Jesus was on His 40 day fast and said, “Hey! Let me tempt you.” And so Satan’s in the spirit realm, he’s not possessing Judas to do that, he’s got his own body, right? So angels can move in, cherubs and other type of fallen heavenly powers, you know, in the bible it describes nine orders of heavenly beings. You have seraphim, cherubim, dominions, thrones, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and then what the bible calls in a general sense ‘angels.’ There’s different types of these orders of heavenly beings, and so it kind of becomes more of a slightly more complex conversation. Sometimes ‘heavenly beings’, or ‘the hierarchies of the heavens’ is a good term. Sometimes the bible calls them the ‘hosts of heaven’. There’s different kinds of them, different ones, different shapes, different forms, different abilities, different purposes in their original creation as God created them.
And so, when you are dealing with these fallen ones, realistically they have their own bodies, they have even (and we’ll get into this) their own realms! And so dealing with them can be a bit different. See, a demon is going to want to oppress a person, they’re want to take up space in a person’s life, they just want to squat in there, and they don’t have anywhere else to go. They don’t have anywhere else to go, for instance, the legion in the gadarene demoniac. Well, he was living inside of that body, that legion. He was living inside of that human body, and he didn’t want to go! But he had no choice, and so he said, “Well, better to beg Jesus for mercy, and go into these swine.” And so, we see that there are certain spirits that will occupy the person. Mary Magdalene, right? Jesus cast seven demons out of her. And so we see that there’s this idea, that there’s these low-level demons, well, they’ll sit in the body, but the angels, they’re off doing their own thing. As a matter of fact, when Gabriel got held up by the prince of Persia in the book of Daniel chapter 10, he’s coming in, Daniel’s fasting, the prince of Persia holds him up for 21 days until Michael the archangel comes and assists and Gabriel’s able to get through, and go free, and be the messenger of the Lord to Daniel. See, that? That right there was not performed by the prince of Persia in a human body. He was in his body in the heavens doing that.
And so you see that there is this thing where the angels, the powers of the heavens, they have a different way of operating. And you know, I deal with this all the time. I see it all the time, because I’m always on the front lines of the most hardcore stuff you can imagine, right? Especially because we get into this really murky water, we’re talking about government sponsored mind-control, we’re talking about people defecting from the illuminati. This is my ministry field, this is actually my assignment, so I have to deal with all this stuff, all the time. It forces me to have to understand what I’m doing. And there’s a reason why we’re making progress. It’s because God has taught us to do what we do, which is why I’m talking to you.
I’m going to say upfront, if you are a religious christian, and you think you know what you are talking about, and yet have never done deliverance on a very high level, you will probably disagree with half of what I say today. Let me just say this, I don’t care. I’m on assignment to tell you how to get certain things done, because I’m doing them, and so the truth of the matter is, if you want to learn how to do something, go to the person that’s doing it and knows what they’re doing, and them how to do it. Don’t invent a philosophy and then apply it, and think that it’s going to get the job done. There’s a reason why a lot of people are not making much headway in certain areas of their lives, or certain kinds of ministries. They pray for a person for five years and never get a breakthrough. And these are often the people that will argue with me, because they say, well I can’t possibly know what I’m doing, when the person that they’ve been praying for for five years comes to me, and in five minutes they’re getting set free. But what can I do about that? I can just be obedient.
I’m going to tell you what I know, you know what? You do what you want with it. I’m going to make the resources available, you do what you want with it. I will say this, if you’re going to minister to a person freedom from a heavenly prince, or something like that, I would not recommend trying to do that as a baby christian. If you got saved three months ago, do not take this prayer, and this teaching, and go and try to begin ministering it to people. You know what, you will probably still get body slammed and hurt real bad. This is a tool for people that are walking strong with the Lord, have grown to the point where they have some strength, they’ve closed the doors of sin in their lives. If you’re going to minister on this level, you need to be a clean vessel for the Lord. You need to have your stuff together.
If you are a person looking to get set free, realistically, it is your right as a kingdom citizen to be free of heavenly powers. In fact, Jesus ordained that for you, He purchased that for you. There is a way to minister this to yourself, you may not be strong enough to do that, like, to actually work your way through the prayer I’m going to be explaining. And so what you do, is you try to find a strong believer that can pray with you through it, and help you get the freedom that Jesus purchased for you. So I’m giving that disclaimer as well, because what I don’t want, and this is one of the reasons why I haven’t talked about this, or made it public, I just don’t want people to get hurt! I really don’t want people to hurt themselves with this information, and with this prayer, and with this ministry, because you’re really getting up there at this point, when you begin to look at doing this.
But look, the Lord said it’s time! The Lord said, “Daniel, tell them.” So, I’m telling you. I have had to set a lot of people free from a long, long, long list of heavenly powers, and I’m going to be giving you that long, long, long list of heavenly powers at the end of this program, and I’ll be giving a disclaimer again, before I get into that list. Trigger warning! When I say the names of the powers that are interfaced with you, it will probably trigger you, and it might be bad. So if you think you have mega problems, you’re going to want to really be careful with that last part of the program where we name them all, because yeah, they’re not going to be happy about it. But I’m on assignment, and so, it’s not my problem. But I do have to warn those of you that are listening that this is a triggering program.
So we’re really poking the beast’s hide with this one! And like I said, this might be one of the most important programs I’ve ever done. So the angels, I’m coming back to a point I was making before. Fallen angels and heavenly powers, they don’t typically just sit down and possess a human body. They’ll interface with a human body, but they’ll primarily be in their own realm, and just puppeting things. When we’re beginning to deal with this issue, right, the connection to the heavenly powers, we have to deal with it based on the mechanics of how it actually manifests. We have to deal with it based on the mechanics of how it actually manifests. I’m going to be explaining to you these mechanics, that’s going to be the substance of this program.
So here is the prayer. And to introduce you to this prayer, what I’m going to be doing, is I’m going to be reading it. And I have found that the most effective way to get through this and to just get the freedom I mean, lickity-split, is to name the heavenly prince you are dealing with. Which is why I’ll be providing a list of names at the end of this. And of course, it’s not all-inclusive, but it’s definitely quite a hefty list! Because it just provides a certain pin-point accuracy to the prayer. Everyone knows exactly what the prayer is being applied to, who it is being applied to, there’s no mincing words, there’s no confusion.
How do you figure out the name of the principality that’s bugging you? Well, ask the Lord! Ask the Spirit of Truth. Listen to the end of this program as I go through the list, and see which ones make you double over and feel woozy, make your head spin, and make you feel like you want to vomit. That’s a good sign that that’s the one that’s bugging you. There’s different ways to figure it out. Ultimately, the bible says this, “God has given us the Spirit of Truth, that will lead us and guide us into all truth, for He will not speak of Himself, but whatever He hears, that He will speak and will show us things to come.” See, God wants you to be free. And so, He’ll give you the information you need.
Now, this prayer is designed with the assumption in mind, that you have solved the riddle. Who is it, in the heavens, that is binding you and causing you problems. From that point forward you are able to say this prayer and insert the name. Now, for this run-through, what I’m going to be just using is the word ‘principality’. Why? Generic term. Whenever I say principality, if you read the prayer, and get it off of my website, you’ll just see a blank line. That’s where you insert the name of the one you’re dealing with. But I’ll be using ‘principality’ to make it generic, right? And so the prayer, it goes like this:
Father in Heaven, I come before You in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, and I renounce ________________, and serve him a bill of divorce.
In the name of Jesus, I pray that Your Heavenly Hosts would be put on assignment to place every alter, or part in me, that is loyal to ________________ on temporary lock-down. I pray that those parts would be put to sleep.
I now deed ____________s’ territory in me over to the Kingdom of God, and invite you Lord Jesus to take the throne, and begin to rule this territory with Your rod of iron.
In the name of Jesus, I now bind all gate-keepers, and discover each and every portal access point belonging to _____________, his/her realm, and his/her inheritance.
I place the blood of Jesus upon every portal access point and I seal them with the Holy Spirit. I declare that they are put to sleep, and permanently deactivated from this day, forward.
I take the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God, and I cut myself free from _______________, his/her realm, and his/her inheritance in Jesus name.
I return every form of counterfeit inheritance inclusive of promised wealth, position, status, calling, ability, power, genetic code, seed, and any other form of inheritance, in Jesus name. I refuse it, and sever myself from it, and from this day forward, I choose to receive my inheritance in Jesus Christ.
I renounce all spirit children related to _____________ and undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. I also reclaim every part of me that has been imprisoned by ___________ or in his/her realm. I appeal to justice according to 1 Corinthians 3:17 which declares that, “As a man sows, so shall he reap.” I pray that ‘principality’ would now reap 100 fold return for all of the evil sown against me, my ancestors, and all whom I represent, in the form of justice and judgement in Jesus name.
I now take authority over every demon on the inside of me, and around me, that has been operating under the authority of ______________. I declare that you are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced-through, and thrust out of me for judgement. I declare that you are being sent to where the Lord Jesus sends you.
Lastly, I pray that every spiritual object, tattoo, or branding, placed in or around every part of me by ____________, or those under his/her authority, would be consumed in the holy fire of Jesus Christ, and totally dissolved. I now cause _____________’s memory to perish regarding every part of me and my seed, in Jesus name. Amen.
Okay, that is what I call the 10 Steps To Freedom From A Principality, It rolls right off the tongue. It really cuts down, it is like a shorthand for what could take hours, or even weeks! It has taken certain people very extensive amounts of work to get set free from prince’s in the heavens because they didn’t know what they were doing, and so it ends up like an endless battle. They say, “No matter how hard I pray, or how many times I address this thing, I just can’t get free. It just won’t let go!” Many deliverance ministers, when they have come up against the prince’s in the heavens say, “I can’t deal with the prince’s, I just leave them alone. You know what, if a person’s bound to a prince that’s their problem. I cannot help them with that. I might be able to minister some inner healing, we might help them to cope with certain things, but we can’t get to them, because they’re too strong, when we go up against them, we always get our butt kicked. We don’t have the ability to have victory, and we don’t know why.”
Well, praise the Lord for revelation coaching and the fires of frontline warfare! It will help you get your theology straight on this stuff. And so now that I’ve given you the prayer, what I’m going to do, is I’m going to backtrack. I’m going to go point-by-point for the 10 points that are this prayer. And I’m going to tell you why this is so super-effective. We have been tirading through the heavens, just knocking people free of all manner of entities up there, and powers, and getting freedom on just incredible levels. I mean, I literally almost just leave this prayer opened up on my desktop, because I have to go through it so many times, and it’s so super-effective. Super-effectiveness! That’s what this is. And it’s acceleration, because when you do things the right way, you cut down on time. And as I’ve been in the process of developing- because this is actually the work of several years of tailoring, of learning, of figuring things out, and of trial and error, to boil it down to literally 10 points of the most effective things to address in order to get a person set free, and severed in one moment.
I literally helped a person get set free from the queen of heaven from the backseat of a car while someone was driving them home, in five minutes, because I had this prayer memorized. And this queen of heaven, powerful spirit that was interfaced with them tried to manifest, and you know what, I just broke their influence in the name of Jesus, helped the person get through this prayer of renunciation, and they were completely free by the time they got home! It’s that super effective! I mean, I’m saying, this is just glorious! It is so awesome! But it requires a certain understanding, and I’m going to be giving it to you. It’s going to stretch you! The reason why this prayer works is going to stretch you, which is good! Praise the Lord for Discovering The Truth, with Dan Duval. You know, this whole show is an eruption of the whole journey that I take with Jesus. ‘Cause I’m the first one, right there with Jesus, and He’s telling me stuff and blowing my mind! Every week my theology changes, you know how that goes, but what it does, is it graduates us more effective ministry. The question is, do I want to hold on to what I think is true that does not work, or do I want to let that go and embrace the truth of what God understands, which will work? This prayer is the tailoring of many revelation moments, on many things that have graduated me into the way that the Lord understands things. And that’s why it works!
So we’re going to come back now, and begin to assess why this prayer has been written the way it has. So that takes me to point number one.
- Father in Heaven I come before You in the mighty name of Jesus Christ and I renounce _____________ and serve him a bill of divorce.
Now, let me explain this. When a person is in bondage to a principality, there is virtually always some kind of contractual agreement between the parties. Something was done. People get dedicated in rituals, to powers in the heavens as infants and young children. They might not agree with what’s happening to them, but if, say they have a parent that agrees and signs them over, it still is legal in the spirit realm. You can be born (and we’ll get into some of that) with genetic markers that tie you to certain powers in the heavens. There’s this whole thing of generational iniquity that plays into the conversation. But there’s always some kind of agreement, even if the agreement doesn’t seem fair by our standards. The devil doesn’t play fair. He cheats, lies, steals, destroys, kills, maims, and whatever he can get away with, he’s going to try to. Even if he’s not allowed to do something, he’ll still try to do it at times, and see if anyone’s going to call him on it. And there’s so many christians, they’re getting trashed by the devil, because they just don’t know that they’re supposed to call the devil on what he’s doing, illegally, to them. But that’s another conversation.
So right now, what I’m saying is, there’s some kind of contractual agreement, and it manifests as a type of marriage, or binding together. And you can look at the pattern this way, God entered into covenant with the nation of Israel in the old testament, through the mosaic covenant. And that was based on the idea that God would provide the nation of Israel with blessings and benefits, and He would give them all of this, what they talk about in Deuteronomy 28. Set them high above all the nations of the earth, they would be blessed in the city, blessed in the country, blessed when they came in, blessed when they go out, the head and not the tail, above and not beneath, the lenders only, and not the debtors. God would give them all of His wonderful benefits, but in exchange for that, they had to keep the Torah, which was His law. And so what happened, was that they violated His laws, repeatedly, over many generations. So what you have then, is you have people, and they are tied to a divine being, that being Jehovah God, Yahweh. And so that is a relationship, and it is described as a marriage relationship! And what happened was, because the people were unfaithful, God says this in the book of Jeremiah chapter 3, “Then I saw that for all the causes for which backsliding Israel had committed adultery, I had put her away and given her a certificate of divorce. Yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear, but went and played the harlot also.”
So we see that a divine being, in a marriage covenant relationship with humans, can be divorced from them. That’s the pattern. That’s why this language. The whole prayer is biblical, it’s just going a bit deeper with your revelation. So, if God could divorce the nation of Israel, if a divine being could be divorced from humans, then that runs true for the dark side, as well. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Hosea reminds us of what happened there, and in Hosea 2 it says, “Bring charges against your mother, bring charges. For she is not my wife, nor am I her husband.” He’s speaking of Israel, right? “Let her put away her harlotries from her sight, and her adulteries from between her breasts.” This is Hosea, chapter two. So what we see, is that when the relationship between a person, or group of people, and a divine being is severed, it also severes the influences coming into that person, or group of people, from the divine being, right? So God was no longer blessing the nation of Israel, His influence and ability to bridge the veil, and overwhelm them with the abundance of His resources, was not being active. Well, the same thing happens with the heavenly powers that are evil. In present day deliverance, when people are severed from evil powers in the heavens, they will be severed from their evil influences, crimes and pirating, so that they can be set free into the liberty of Jesus Christ. So it’s the inverse of the same principle. If God can divorce Israel, you can divorce a heavenly prince, or power, that is hurting you. So we start there, right? The first step is a step of faith, and saying, “Well, I disagree with my relationship with this evil thing, and I divorce it.”
There are men and women in the nation of Israel, so what you have to understand is, this language applies, even if you are a man. Say you know, your name is Jeff, and the principality you’ve been tied to is named Mammon. Mammon is male, Jeff is male. You can still say, as Jeff, “I divorce Mammon. I serve him a bill of divorce.” Right? This is accurate. So that’s the first step. You want to set a decree, you want to issue a divorce. “That’s it. We are done. I am severing this relationship legally.” Then we have to move beyond that, because I guarantee you, that if you just say that and stop there, you’ll never be free. Because the thing is, these prince’s in the heavens, they don’t just walk away and say, “Oh, you don’t wanna be? All right, fine. Well, have a nice life! I’m sorry you didn’t like it while I was in your life, you know? I hope you find someone better.” No way! You’re their puppet, and their power source, and someone that they are pirating from. It’s because of the people that that prince’s in the heavens have interfaced with that they have power in the earth. So every time they lose someone, they lose some power. Every time they lose someone, they lose some power, which is why this might be one of the most important programs I’ve ever done. Because you know what, if one million people listen to this program, and one million people got set free from one million types of bondage from prince’s, they would have one million less power sources in the earth! That’s going to make a shift in the spirit realm! Especially if it all happened in the same city, or in the same township! Now you’re looking at geographic deliverance. But we’re going to keep it on the prayer, right? Because what do I want? I want you to be free! So, anyway, point number two:
2. In the name of Jesus, I pray that Your Heavenly Hosts (these are the ones that
serve Jesus) would be put on assignment to place ever alter or part in me that
is loyal to ___________ on temporary lockdown. I pray that those parts
would be put to sleep.
Now, the thing is, you have two types of people who are really going to have a problem with heavenly prince’s. You have people that are not shattered and disassociated, and you have people that are shattered and disassociated. So for someone who is not shattered and disassociated, but they are somehow attached to a heavenly prince, what’ll happen is, there may be a part of them that vacillates. Like, if you’ve ever been sitting there, watching TV, and you see that there’s a really great hamburger on the television set right now, it looks so delicious, “I want to go get that hamburger!” But then part of you is like, “No, I don’t want that hamburger, because I don’t want to get the calories in my body. That’s going to be bad, I should eat a salad.” Right? So now, part of you wants it, part of you doesn’t, part of you wants it, part of you doesn’t, and you’re sitting there kind of immobilized, like “What do I do? Do I go and get that, or do I sit here and be good to myself?” And that doesn’t require any kind of disassociation. That’s called double-mindedness. Anyone can go through that. And so, what you need, whether you are not fragmented and disassociated, or are, is single-mindedness on the issue. Now for the person who has been subjected to say, Satanic Ritual Abuse, which we deal with in many of our programs, government sponsored mind-control, we deal with it in many of our programs, I’m not going to get into that conversation, all I’m going to say is, trauma leads to dissociation that will manifest as alternate personalities within a person. And when people go through things like Satanic Ritual Abuse, there will have been parts of them that have been disassociated through trauma, that are in agreement, or loyal, to the heavenly prince’s and will not agree with deliverance. And sometimes you don’t know if you’re disassociated, and as a deliverance minister, if someone just comes up to you and says, “I need deliverance from this.” You don’t always know what you’re dealing with, either! You might not know the person’s whole history, the person might say, “I’m not disassociated, I’ve not been through Satanic Ritual Abuse.” And they’re in denial! I see it all the time! And the Holy Spirit will tell me, “They’re in denial.” And I’ll know, but they won’t know, and I can’t tell them, because they’ll just be mad at me. So the prayer is designed to route around any confusion in this area. How so? Well, first of all, we’re identifiying that we’re going to get the individual to a state of single-mindedness. The bible says, “If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, which giveth to all men liberally, and reproacheth no man, and it shall be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he that doubts is like a wave of the sea, driven, and tossed of the wind. Let not that man suppose that he shall receive anything of the Lord. He is a double minded man, unstable in all his ways.” That’s James 1:5-8.
See, double-mindedness is a big problem. And if you are attempting to get set free, and delivered from a heavenly prince, you can’t be double-minded on the issue as you are going through the process. There has to be single-mindedness. And so what happens here, is when you ask, believing that you will receive, what happens is, God responds. He sends his resources, because it doesn’t really matter whether you have the authority to take on a principality over a city, or not. This is for your personal life! And Jesus Christ died to set the captives free! So this is your right, as a believer in Christ, if you’ve been bound. You always have the right to be set free from a principality. Always! Always. That is within your territory of jurisdiction, your sphere of authority, you always have the right to be free! So we’re in safe territory in doing this. You’re not crossing any red tape, so to speak. So what you do is, you say, “I pray that your Heavenly Hosts, Lord God, because they will respond.” Because you are part of a Kingdom that has resources that answer to the King. Those angels will come in, and what they’ll do, is they’ll take all the alters, if you’re disassociated, or parts of you, if you’re not disassociated, that are in agreement with the continued presence of that principality, or heavenly power, and shut them down. As a matter of fact, they’ll be put to sleep. Have you ever tried to argue while you’re sleeping? You can’t. And neither can the parts of you that are put to sleep by God’s power because of this prayer. Remember, the bible says, “Whatever you ask, believing you will receive it, you will have it.” There is a principle that allows you to do this, and to ask for this.
See, I’ve confronted principalities and attempted to get people set free in a number of ways. Head-on, back door, roundabout, over a period of days, you know, there’s different kinds of ways where this is played out. And what I’ve found is that there’s always a certain flow, and always certain points, that once I hit all of them, that’s when I began to notice a pattern. Once I would hit all of the specific sets of issues, the powers would have nothing left to hold on to, or anchor in with, and it would be complete, it would be done. And I began to articulate that, and that’s what ultimately grew into this prayer, through years of refinement, and many, many deliverances ministered, effectively. To the point where, if I know it’s there? Five minutes. Done. And they hate that! But you know what? That’s why God has me, telling you how to get it done! Because many of you might have some ideas of how theologically things work in the spirit realm, whatever, and they might be right or wrong, but if you have major problems, more than being proven right in your philosophy, what you want, you want freedom! You want the pain to stop. And God does too. And so for all of the experience I’ve had, I want to give it to you, so you can understand how you can have that from Jesus. What you’ve been looking to Him for, all this time. So this is what you do, this is one of the steps. If you take away from them their ability to leverage agreement from parts of you that put you into double-mindedness, you’re ready for the next step. This is how you do it clean. You know? A sharp blade will cut through something much faster than a dull blade will cut through something. A butter knife. You will have a very hard time sawing through wood with a butter knife, but with a buzzsaw? Two minutes. “Bzzzt!” Right through there. I mean, this is a buzzsaw. Put that double-mindedness to sleep, you’re right in there, ready to move forward. So the next part of the prayer, is the deeding. So point number three.
3. I now deed ______________’s territory in me over to the Kingdom of God, and I
invite you, Lord Jesus, to take the throne and begin to rule this territory with
your rod of iron.
Now, in order to explain this, I have to explain territory. I’m going to point us to the parable of the sower. You have wayside ground, stony ground, thorny ground, and good ground. None of the seeds on the wayside ground took root, they just got taken away, the bird took them, ate them up. And the thorny ground, well it got choked, and the stony ground, it grew for a little bit and then wilted. But in the good ground, there’s a harvest ,some thirty, some sixty, some one hundred fold. He who has ears to hear, let him hear. Right? So there’s this parable, and in Matthew 13, the parable is not only there as a parable, it’s also there as an explanation. And so in verse 18 of Matthew 13 it says, “Therefore hear the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the Word of the Kingdom, and does not understand it, then the wicked one comes, and snatches away what was sown in his heart.” So what that does, is it just defines some of the parabolic elements of that parable to us. What it tells us, is that the seed that the sower is sowing, is the Word of the Kingdom. The word of the Kingdom is the incorruptible seed of Jesus Christ, and Jesus is, in effect, the Word, Yeshua, Salvation, of the Kingdom. And so what you see, though, is that the ground upon which that seed is being sown represents the heart. And what we see is that there is four types of ground, wayside ground, stony ground, thorny ground, and finally, fertile ground. So the parable continues the explanation, and He says, “This is he who receives seed by the wayside, but he who receives the seed on stony places, this is he who hears the Word and immediately receives it with joy, yet he has no root in himself, but endures only for a while, for when tribulation or persecution arises because of the Word, immediately he stumbles. Now he who received seed among the thorns is he who hears the Word, and the cares of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches choke the Word, and he becomes unfruitful. But he who receives seed on the good ground, is he who hears the Word and understands it, who indeed bears fruit and produces some one-hundred fold, some thirty, and some sixty.” So what we see there is that if our heart is our field, our heart contains territories. A field is actually a territory. It’s a space, and God would desire that space be occupied by something that is giving Him a harvest. But essentially, it is territory to be occupied. The heart, right?
So another parable that is a bit later says this, “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a mustard seed, which a man took and sowed into his field.” Again, a field, into the heart. “Which indeed is the least of all seeds but when is grown, is greater than the herbs and becomes a tree so that the birds of the air come and nest in it’s branches.” See the Kingdom of God, that message which is the connection to the realm of God in the third heaven, is designed to take root in our heart and become the expression of His Kingdom, in our hearts. In other words, God’s Kingdom is designed to occupy the territory of your heart, and when it does, it grows into a tree. What does that tree do? It provides nourishment, right? It begins to bring influence that is amazing to behold. To the extent that the birds of the air will come and nest in it’s branches. Well, what are the birds? The bible says “Our soul has escaped out of the snare of the fowler.” You see, when the Kingdom of God, being the realm in which God is King, begins to express itself in and through your life by occupying the territory of your heart, everyone that comes around you, the persons, the souls of men, they are going to receive nourishment, they are going to receive influence, they are going to receive safe-haven, they’re going to have an encounter with the resources of God just because they got near you. That’s the beauty of this thing, that incorruptible seed. You would not expect that the saviour of the world would have come in this package of someone from Nazareth, and to die! But what He provides is access and acceptance, and in connection to this Kingdom that is designed to occupy every area of your life, so that when it’s fully expressed, man! The birds of the air, the fowls, the souls of men come unto you. See Jesus wants to draw all nations unto Himself, and He does that through you and I by engaging them, through our hearts, so the Kingdom occupies territory. Right? So when we understand the heart is territory to be occupied, we begin to understand that God might not be the only party interested in occupying the territory of our hearts. Pornography is interested in occupying the territory of your heart, strife is interested in occupying the territory of your heart, alcoholism is interested in occupying the territory of your heart, greed is interested in occupying the territory of your heart, on, and on. And so there’s all this stuff that can occupy, but God wants His Kingdom occupying. So what happens is, well, our hearts, they become a battleground. As a matter of fact, the primary real estate of the spirit realm is the heart’s of men! But this goes deep. This goes even deeper than that, because we have to understand what the heart is, right?
The heart is the subconscious realm, and the subconscious resides at the lowest part of the human soul. It is not separated from a conversation of the spirit, because in the book of Romans, chapter 2, verses 28-29, we see a passage that says, “He is not a jew which is one outwardly, of the circumcision of the flesh, but he who is a jew that is one inward, of the circumcision of the heart, in the spirit.” There’s this thing where the heart, being the subconscious, or territory that is designed to be occupied, actually bridges between things soul and spirit. And so we have to look at the spirit for a complete understanding of this picture, because these heavenly prince’s reside in the spirit realm, but want to occupy territory lending into your subconscious. How do they do that? Well, the first thing that you have to understand here- and I’m breaking it down- you say, “This is too deep Dan, I just want the prayer.” Go to the website!, get the prayer. These are the mechanics!
See, in order to understand what’s happening here, and how the spirit’s work their way into your subconscious, you have to understand this principle, that spirits are also realms. Spirit’s are both persons, and realms. And every time I say that, people get this glazed look in their eyes, “Oh gosh, what does that even mean? Spirits are persons and realms? I don’t understand, I don’t even know what the human spirit is.” Well, here’s the deal. 1 Thessalonians 5:23 says, “I would that your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless until the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We have a spirit, we have a soul, we have a body, all three. Right? So it’s in the bible, we just have to understand what’s going on there. When we begin to talk about the spirit part of us, it helps a great deal to look at other spirits in the bible, and how they are described, and so I point people to a study on Death, and Hell. Why? Because Death and Hell reveal to us that spirits are both persons and realms. Really? Absolutely. Actually, the whole introduction to what I call the “In Christ” study is based on this revelation, that spirits are realms, because the whole In Christ study is about how you are called to live out of the abundance of a realm called Hotel Jesus. Because you are in Him. How do you get inside of Jesus? He is a realm who is a spirit, designed to be occupied. But we’ll get to that a little bit deeper. Let’s start with Death and Hell. The bible says in Revelation 6:8, “So I looked, and behold, a pale horse, and the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him, and power was given to them over a fourth of the earth to kill with the sword, hunger, death, by the beasts of the earth.” See, in this passage, you have what is called a personal pronoun. What is a personal pronoun? Him, her, them, he, she, these are personal pronouns, they refer to persons. Right? They refer to persons. I don’t refer to my carpet as “he” or “she”, I refer to my carpet as “it”. Because “it” is an inanimate object that I walk on. But a person, Sue, Debbie, Jane, whatever-have-you, Bill, Bob, these are persons, and so I don’t call Bob an “it”, I don’t call Sue an “it’ unless I want to make them feel bad, unless I want to dehumanize them. So they have, like literally techniques, that they call “personification” where you personify an inanimate object as a word-play or illustration. But what’s happening in the bible is not personification. It is a revelation that Death and Hell are are persons, they’re actual spirit beings and entities, that’s what they are. And so Death and Hades are referred to as “him” and “them”, personal pronouns. Him and Them. And they are pictured as riding the horse, right? And so that’s what a person would do. A spirit can do that. So Death and Hell are persons. You could actually go into the spirit realm and meet Death. You can meet Hades. One of the ways he appears is wearing a tux. He has no eyes, it’s like, blackness and he has a watch! And he can kill people! We’ve seen him. So Death, they’ve personified him in many ways, often times he has a scythe, he has a hood over his head, black cloak, that’s actually what he wears in the spirit realm. The Greeks personified these guys because they knew that they were real spirits. The bible doesn’t do anything different, and so what we see is that they are persons. But then Matthew 10:28 says, “Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” So see, when a person dies, and they are not saved by grace through faith in the true Lord Jesus Christ, the are going to hell. That’s a place. So how can Hades, or Hell, be both a person and a realm? Well that’s exactly what a spirit is, they are both person’s and realm’s. That is the leap in logic that you have to make if you’re going to be able to understand spiritual principles and the mechanics of the spirit realm in general. This is actually a foundational truth. You see, we can’t understand the spirit because we don’t understand certain foundational aspects of it’s mechanics. We live in 3D world, but we don’t know how it works out in 4D and 5D world, and up from that, but what I’m telling you is, it works based on the principle that spirits are persons and realms. And so everything in the spirit realm is a realm. Okay, so the bible says in Revelation 20:13-14, “The sea gave up the dead who were in it, and Death and Hades delivered up the dead who were in them, and they were judged, each one according to their works. Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire, this is the second death.” So at this great white throne judgement, Death and Hades are delivering up the dead which are in them. So persons are also being habitated by the spirits of dead men and women. Because Death and Hell are both persons and realms!
There’s another passage in Isaiah 28:15, which says, “Because you have said, ‘We have made a covenant with Death and with Sheol,’” That’s the Hebrew term for Hell, or Hades, “‘we are in agreement. When the overflowing scourge passes through, it will not come for use, we have made lies our refuge, and under falsehood we have hidden ourselves.’” See you don’t make a covenant with an event, you make a covenant with another party, or person. So you see this passage where, there’s a covenant being established with the persons Death, and Sheol. Persons. So in a biblically assessment of this conversation, the correct understanding that we arrive at, is that spirits, at least Death and Hell, are both persons and realms, but then actually carries over right into our revelation of what happens in the new covenant for the believer. Because in the new covenant for the believer, we are found in Christ, and Christ is found in us. As a matter of fact, Romans 8:1 says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in (in, in, IN) Christ Jesus.” But Romans 8:10 says, “If Christ is in you…” So the question becomes, well, how can you be in Christ, if Christ is also in you? Because Jesus is a person that is a realm. Think about it like a hotel. Jesus becomes your hotel, and when you come to salvation, you enter the door. Jesus said, “I am the door.” The door to what? Hotel Jesus! And you go inside, and then the bible says, “There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ.” Right? Here’s the mystery. When you approach the Father, the Father sees Jesus, and you’re accepted. That’s why Ephesians 1:4 says, “We have been accepted in the Beloved.” So you are accepted in the Beloved. Who is the Beloved? The Beloved is Jesus Christ. Why are you accepted in there? Because inside of the One who fulfilled the requirements of God for righteousness, you can be accepted by the Father. So you have to be inside of Him to be accepted. So He becomes your hotel, you go in through the Door, you’re in Hotel Jesus, you are in the realm that is Jesus Christ, as a believer. Wow!! You never thought about it like that because well, we’ve been trained to think in spiritual mechanics, we’re trained to think in 3D mechanics. There’s some overlap, and then there’s some distinctions to be made, we have to part ways with certain 3D thinking to get how some of this stuff works.
So what happens then, is because Jesus is a realm, we can inhabit Him, but because we are a realm in the spirit, your spirit is a realm, my spirit is a realm, Jesus Christ can inhabit us. And so the bible says, “He who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him.” So you see, there’s this idea that you are a realm, Hotel Jane, Hotel Sue, Hotel Daniel. Jesus comes in, and then Jesus begins to make changes in our realm, while we, who have entered into Him, begin to experience and encounter blessings and provisions in His realm. So there’s a simultaneous work. It’s quite profound. It occurs simultaneously, Jesus enters your realm, and you enter His realm. It’s dimensional overlay. So that’s why a prince can portal in and interface with your subconscious through your spirit, because you are a realm that they can come into. So that’s what happens. They move in. The move in and set up camp in your territory. Your spirit, your heart, your soul, all can be affected by some way or another by the influence of a heavenly prince. And that becomes territory that they have taken away from the ability of God, Jesus Christ, to influence, even if the person has come to Jesus. They’re still in bondage. They need to be set free! So what we do, after we have put all the parts that would disagree with freedom to sleep, we give the territory, the heavenly princes are squatting on in us, to the Kingdom of God. We say, “No! We want that see which will produce a crop in that territory you are squatting on! Jerks! And Jesus Christ is going to rule over it from now on.” So that invites the King of kings and all of His resources into that land, into that space, into that territory. Remember, the prime real estate of the spirit realm is the heart of man and woman. So there’s a deeding over, there’s a legal transaction. You just took everything they were sitting on and gave it away! You’re like, “All right, you know what? You’re not going to leave willfully, but I’m going to give your little house to Jesus. And He’ll evict you! He’ll rule over your stuff with His rod of iron!” Right? So now we’re engaging the power of God to kick out the squatter. So it says, “I deed the territory in me over to the Kingdom of God and invite you Lord Jesus to take the throne and to rule the territory with your rod of iron.”
Why take the throne? Well, this is interesting. See, everything that God does, they try to hijack and counterfeit, right? So Isaiah 6:1 says, “In the year that king Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, high and lifted up, and the train of His robe filled the temple.” See everyone’s jealous of God. Like, “Wow, look at that thone! That’s impressive! I want one, I’m jealous!” So they set thrones up. It’s just a counterfeit of what God has. See, everything the devil does, he’s trying to take what God has, or did, and make one for himself. Everything in his kingdom of darkness is just counterfeiting the truths of God’s Kingdom. When the devil gives people gifts, he simply recreates a counterfeit of what God has genuinely established for people, or can genuinely give people. It’s amazing. So they make thrones, and they’ll put them inside of you so they’ll have one. Give their throne to Jesus! Not going to do them much good when Jesus kicks them out of it and sits down on it. So, we take away their throne. And then, the last part, in Psalm 2:9 it says, “You shall break them with a rod of iron, you shall dash them to pieces like a potter’s vessel.” See, the iron rod of Jesus is designed to dash the enemies of God to pieces. So you are agreeing with God’s Word that that’s exactly what the iron rod of Jesus is going to do to the criminal that has been hijacking your life! Revelation 19:15 says, “Now out of His mouth goes a sharp sword, that with it He should strike the nations, and He Himself will rule them with a rod of iron.” So that territory in your heart is designed to be ruled, it just has to be determined who’s going to rule it. Is it going to be the principality, you, or God? And I’ll tell you what, once the principality has it, you’ll never get it back without God! That’s it. They’re more powerful than you, but they’re not more powerful than Jesus. So that is step three! Then we get to step four, right? Step four in the prayer.
4. In the name of Jesus I now bind all gatekeepers and discover each and every portal access point belonging to ___________, (his/her) realm, and (his/her) inheritance.
Now, I described that spirits are both persons and realms, right? And that’s why, through spiritual mechanics in the heavenly realm a spirit can engage the territory of your subconscious, which is the lowest part of your soul. Now we’re getting into that idea of portaling in. See, our spirits are realms, but they are also designed to function as portals. What does that mean? Well, first of all, a portal is a doorway. A doorway. And there can be doorways open through the soul as well, don’t get me wrong. It’s just, we’re dealing with different levels, and it can be both. It can be coming through soul level doorways, spirit level doorways, it really gets pretty complex. But there are going to be in every person that’s been hijacked and pirated by a heavenly prince, doorways or portals. When you look at a person, you have to look at this through the biblical lense of how God designed this to work. 1 Kings 8, there’s an event there where Solomon, he has just finished building the temple that David began, and he dedicates the temple with this massive sacrifice. And the priests go to minister, but the glory of the Lord fills the temple from that place, the holy of holies, and it’s so potent this cloud, it pushes the priests out, so they can’t minister. So what happened there? Well, the temple was designed to be God’s door to earth. It’s the interface point, the interface point between heaven and earth. And then God transitioned the temple from the physical building to the believer. So in 1 Corinthians 3:16-17 it says, “Do you not know that you are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? For if anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him, for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.”
So see because of the way God designed human spirits, there is this ability to be a portal between the spiritual and the natural. It’s inherent to our creation, and so for that reason, it can be hijacked. In the same way that God can abide in a person as they become His temple, right? These evil princes in the heavens can portal in, as well. They can come right in. They can open portals in different areas. One of the big portal openers is trauma, believe it or not, it’s just amazing. So a portal is simply doorway or entrance. So when a person is in bondage to a heavenly prince, there will always be portals coming into them. And those portals are going to be guarded by what are called, “gatekeepers.” What are gatekeepers? Well gatekeepers can actually be a wide variety of things. They can be demons. They can be parts of a person that are loyal to the principality, they can be demonized parts of a person that are loyal to a principality, they can be hybrid spirits, and it gets weirder, and weirder from there, believe me. There are some things that I just can’t even get to, it’s so strange, but nonetheless, it’s there.
And so the easiest way to do this is to engage this by job description. No matter what kind of thing is there doing that job of being a gatekeeper, whose job is to hold open those portals, no matter what, when you address it, and you say, “I bind the gatekeepers.” Whatever kind of spirits they are, they are getting bound. And that’s what you need. Because see, whenever people try to go and do this severing from a heavenly prince, the problem is, they don’t know all of the mechanics they’re up against. It’s a huge mess of interwoven anchor-points, and agreement-points, and legal issues that we don’t know how to pray through, and so we get stuck. See, those gatekeepers, if you don’t deal with them, will fight you, and do everything in their power to hold those portals open, so they can’t be closed to the realms, person, and inheritance of the heavenly prince. So you bind them first. This is how you do it in five minutes. Just know they’re there.
Why? Dan Duval figured it out so you didn’t have to. So you bind them, and once they’re bound then you can move forward, and you can say this, we discover every portal access point to principality, his realm, and his inheritance, we discover them all. Every single one of them going out from that person, they’re uncovered. Now the angels of the Lord that are working with you from the spirit realm, you can’t see them, well, sometimes you can, to get you set free because this is your inheritance in Jesus Christ, they’re going to do this. They’re going to see them all, so everything is now laid bare, no mysteries. So the next thing, is that you have to seal the portals, we have to close them. All the doors have to be closed. Because if they’re not, what happens is, eventually they come back. They reattach, or they never fully detached. We’re talking about a clean run, in and out, and severed. That’s what we’re after. So we have to deal with this. I mean, this is every case, they always have the portals.
So how do you seal them? Step five.
5. I place the blood of Jesus upon every portal access point and I seal them with
the Holy Spirit. I declare that they are put to sleep and permanently deactivated
from this day forward.
See, just like blood clots to cover a wound, the blood of Jesus will cover an opening in the spirit, or the soul, the subconscious, it can cover that in the nonphysical realm. The blood of Jesus, it will clot! And then you seal it with the Holy Spirit. Why? Well, okay, the bible says in 1 John 1:7, “But if we walk in the light, as He is in the light, we have have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, His Son, cleanses us from all sin.” II Corinthians 1:22, “Who also has sealed us, and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee.” Ephesians 1:3, “In Him you also trusted, after you heard the Word of Truth, the gospel of your salvation in whom also having believed, you were sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise.” Ephesians 4:30, “And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God by whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” So what you do, is you apply the Word of God, and you seal all the portals with the provision of God. Now they won’t work! And then you put them to sleep. When you put something to sleep in the spirit realm, you render it incapable of functioning, or performing it’s intended job, right? And there’s patterns. There’s patterns we find in scripture, shadows. God put Adam to sleep to make Eve. Put him to sleep. Adam was incapacitated, didn’t work, body couldn’t work. Couldn’t do any of his naming of animals or any other kind of thing, he was just out. God put Abraham to sleep to make the Abrahamic covenant. Cut the animals open, he was waiting for the Lord, deep sleep came upon him, he was out! Why? God didn’t need him awake. God made the covenant all by himself. He’s like, “Abraham, you did your job, now I’m going to do My job and make a covenant with you based on Me. You’re going to have nothing to do with it, because there’s nothing you can do that will cause this covenant to fail. Through your seed all the nations of the earth will be blessed, and that’s on Me.” And so what happened is, He put him to sleep. Incapacitated him, nothing Abraham could do, right?
In the bible in Isaiah 29:10 it says, “For the Lord has poured out upon you the spirit of deep sleep, and has closed your eyes, namely the prophets, and he has covered your heads, namely the seers.” See, there’s this thing that’s called the spirit of deep sleep. This can be a bondage, realistically. The spirit of deep sleep can be a bondage. But it ends the functional capacity for the prophets of the Lord. The principle is that anything in the spirit realm can be put to sleep, and when you do that, whatever it is, is rendered incapable of functioning or performing it’s intended job. So if you seal the portals, you put them to sleep, and deactivate them permanently, that’s it! They’re done, out for the count. Those portals are not going to be reopened. They can’t work, they’re incapacitated and sealed. So once you do that, you sever all the cords. So step six.
6. I take the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, and I set myself free from ______________, his/her realm, and his/her inheritance, in Jesus name.
Now, the bible says, in Hebrews 4:12, “The Word of God is living and powerful, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” So this sword that we get in the Spirit is able to sever, in the spirit realm, in the soul realm, in the heart, right? So no matter where those portal access are coming in, that Holy Spirit sword is able to sever those cords. And the portals, I mean, they portal through cords in the spirit, that’s what everything passes through. You can think about it as wormholes! I mean, they’re everywhere in the spirit realm, and that’s how things transact, back and forth. And so they open a doorway, and attach a cord to it, and that cord is like a wormhole that passes between the person and the spirit, the heavenly prince, their realm, their inheritance.
And so that sword of the Spirit is capable of severing on every level of your nonphysical nature. Now the question becomes, “Okay, Daniel, I get it. I understand why I would sever the cord between myself and the heavenly prince, but why their realm? Why their inheritance?” And in order to understand this, you have to- and again, this is deeper teaching, and I’m giving it to you. Jude 1:6 says, “And the angels who did not keep their proper domain, but left their own abode, He has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for judgement of the great day.” Now this verse in Jude 1:6 refers to the beneha’elohim class angels that came down to mate with women in Genesis 6:4, and of course that is what led to the incursions of nephilim before the flood. And so what happened to them, was they were locked up in chains under darkness, which in II Peter 2:4 is clarified as “Tartarus”, also to be understood as the deepest, darkest, part of hell.
In order to do what they did at that time, they had to give up something, it was called ‘their domain’. Well, in the Greek, that word ‘domain’ actually comes from the word, ‘arche’ which means a principality or jurisdiction. In other words, they, all the angels in the heavens were given a plot, a territory in the spirit realm, and God said, “This belongs to you, this is your jurisdiction.” Well these angels abandoned theirs. They abandoned their realm to do their sin. They also abandoned their abode. Now that word, ‘abode’, that may sound similar to ‘domain’, and it can be kind of confusing unless you realize that the word ‘abode’ is translated from the Greek word, ‘oiketerion’, which is the same word Paul uses for ‘house’ in reference to the physical body we inhabit. So we’re going to put off this house, and we’re going to put on our house from heaven at the return of the Lord, our glorified body. So in essence, they gave up their heavenly body-suit, in favor of what they took on in order to then mate with the women and give birth to the hybrids. So there is an ‘oiketerion’, a house from heaven that we are going to receive. They gave theirs up in that time. So anyway, what we see there, is that these heavenly powers gave up their domains, their ‘arches’, their principalities, their jurisdictions, their territories. So see, the spirits in the heavens can have them, but these ones were locked up in Tartarus. There’s a whole lot of other ones, okay? They weren’t necessarily part of that specific rebellion, their part is something else. And so they’re up there, they’re in the second heaven, and they have their own arches, they have their own domains. They don’t need your physical body because they have a whole realm that belongs to them! They have their own throne rooms in the heavenly places. That’s why the bible says, “We wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, and spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places.” So they have their own domains up there, and so what they do is they portal into people and establish a puppeting, so to speak, and a platform for leveraging their power into the earth realm. Without people they have no agreement, they have no access, and they’re stuck.
So I look at principalities like dog-walkers. The principality’s a dog-walker and they have a bunch of cords coming out of their hand. And they have a bunch of dogs on a leash, and the dogs aren’t going anywhere they don’t want them to go. Why? Because they are holding the cords. The cords are like the portals that run from them, to you. Surrounds your neck, and it chokes you, it chokes your life, it chokes you out. And they have a whole bunch! I mean, you see a dog-walker and they might be walking nine dogs. These guys will walk hundreds of thousands, or millions of people. They’re interfaced with all of them at the same time, they have a bunch of cords. But they sit in their own realm. So when you’re cutting yourself free from their power, it’s not just them you’re separating yourself from because often times, part of their interface with you is going to be, well, they’ll hold the carrot out. They’ll say, “Well, we’ll give you something from our realm, we’ll give you an element of the inheritance. I have a bunch of goodies up here. Never mind that they’re all stolen, I have it, and you can agree to have some of it. Or, I’ll just tell you that you’ll get some of it, and I might be lying, but I won’t tell you that.” You know? So there’s a certain interface with their realm and their inheritance, what they have to offer, that keeps a person in bondage. So you are literally going to cut them, their realm, and their inheritance, off of your life! And I know that this is true because I’ve been in situations where we’re ministering deliverance, and the person’s like, “Well, they’re saying that they don’t have to let me go.” And I’m like, “Why?” It’s like, “Well, because of the inheritance they’ve given me.” You see that? Well, busted! Right? They’re showing their hand.
A lot of these things I’m telling you about were learned on the frontlines, in the fire of the event of getting people set free from things. Some of those, you know, I went into those battlefields not knowing fully what I was going to do, or how I was going to get the job done, just trusting in the Lord! And time, and time again, after going through many, many, many, many times, it’s like, you just figured it all out. You just nail it. Point, point, point, point. I know this is there, I know this is there, I know because we put all the pieces of the puzzle together! So this is the explanation, though. They all have their realms, and in their realms they will have their inheritance.
Now, it goes a little bit further than that, and follow me here. There will be an overlay and interface with their realm, and the person to whom they are tied. This goes along with the principle, as above, so below. Now this is actually the inverse of the principle found in the Lord’s prayer, “Thy Kingdom come,Thy will be done as in Heaven so on Earth.” So what does God want to do? He wants to put His Kingdom in your heart. Right? Hebrews 4:16, “Come boldly before the throne of grace to find mercy and grace to help in time of need.” God is in us, and we can come to His throne of grace by going within ourselves but there is an interface with the actual throne of God in heaven, and we are in both places at the same time. God interfaces His throne of grace in our lives because we become His temple. Well they do the same thing! Which is why you can be within yourself, and encounter a throne belonging to a principality. He might even be sitting on it, and it’s inside of you, but it’s simply a reflection or copy of what exists in their realm. But it is as above, so below, so what’s up there is also down here. Where they are is also in you, it’s an overlay interface. And so you have to cut that free, and that will end the overlay interface capacity. They can’t abide anymore inside of you on that throne that they’ve set up. One more level of their anchoring, done.
But see, we’re not done yet. And you know going back to the whole God side of this, God’s arche is the third heaven of paradise. 2 Corinthians 12:2-4. As a matter of fact in John 14 it says, “In my Father’s house are many mansions.” So God the Father has this realm called ‘the third heaven of paradise’ where He has put many mansions, which are the heavenly places appointed to you and I as heavenly citizens, and the whole realm is called ‘His house.’ But these fallen heavenly powers, they’ll have a domain, an arche in the second heaven. And like I said, in them they can house riches, wealth, resources, things that they’ll offer to a person, and which if a person receives, becomes a legal right for them to not go anywhere, even if you pray really hard and ask them to. You know, many people who will pray against a principality, and they’ll ask them to leave, but he’s not going anywhere and they can’t figure out why he won’t leave. But really, there’s a part of them that knows that they’ve received a promise of their inheritance and they don’t want to let it go. And they’re not even going to give voice to it if you’re a minister trying to deliver them. They won’t even tell you. Why? They don’t want you to know that! Part of them does not want you to set them free, part of them wants you to fail, because they think that somehow by keeping that promise of counterfeit inheritance, they’re doing themselves a favor. It helps to just know it’s there. Work through the prayer! Believe me, it’s there.
So once this is done, you’re ready to move to step seven. Now, step seven is a reiteration of what began in step six. So you’re going to say, “I return every form of counterfeit inheritance.” And now you have severed the cords, but whatever is abiding in you must now be returned. So spiritually you’re legally taking away their ability to say, “But you kept what I gave you, so I get to stick around.” Say, “No you don’t! I’m giving it back!”
7. I return every form of counterfeit inheritance inclusive of promised wealth, position,
status, calling, ability, power, genetic code, seed, and any other form of inheritance in
Jesus name. I refuse it and sever myself from it, and from this day forward, I choose
to receive my inheritance in Jesus Christ. I renounce all spirit children related to ______________ and undo all quantum entanglements involved in their creation. I also
reclaim every part of me that has been imprisoned by _____________ or in his/her realm.
Now this part of the prayer has several unique things, including code and genetic seed. This means exactly what you think it means. The human genome has been hijacked an infected. And this is the part where I know, a lot of people are going to just disagree with me. They’re going to say, “Daniel, you are so out there, I’m going to turn you off!” Fine! Go ahead! But you know what? That doesn’t mean I’m wrong. It just means you don’t agree with me. I know I’m right because this very element of this prayer has been a huge, huge breakthrough for many people over, and over, and over, and over again, and God said, “You will know them by their fruit.” The reason why christians aren’t more effective is because we’re ignorant. We’re ignorant of the devil’s devices. We don’t want to believe the devil is doing what he is doing. And we keep people in bondage by not telling them what the devil is doing, by blocking them from connecting to people that have realized what the devil is doing, thinking we’re doing the body of Christ a favor. You’re not. This. Is. Real. And the thing is, is that those who come from bloodline families, bloodline families! Well, they’re targeted for deep bondage, because their very genetics establish covenant rights to the heavenly powers that seeded their code into those families!
Why are the illuminati families so important to the heavenly powers? Because they’ve seeded things, and elements into those bloodlines that they plan to leverage into the plans that they have for the last days. It’s in the very code. And so in order to get set free, you have to give them back what they gave you, even if you inherited it from birth! You still need to give it back, get it out. This is how you open the door for God’s healing to purge your very genetic code. If you don’t give back the counterfeit that you received, if you’re a bloodliner from birth, God can’t heal your genetics! Because you don’t agree with it. So it’s a hard pill to swallow, I understand. You know, the bible is very clear. In the book of Daniel, chapter 2, “That they shall mingle their seed with the seed of men.” Who’s they? These are the fallen heavenly powers. They’re going to mingle their seed with the seed of men.
This is part of what’s happening in this day and hour. It’s happening. It’s being done. It’s being done in laboratories, secret underground facilities, off-world platforms, it’s being done in other realms. You don’t have to believe that. It’s true, and we deal with it every day. And the thing is, if you’re going to get a person set free, you’re going to have to take them there. The reason why they’re not getting set free is because they’re not addressing the points of bondage, and anchors that legally maintain access for the heavenly powers. This is a huge one. There’s a seed war. Right now. “The seed of the woman will have enmity with the seed of the serpent.” God made it very clear from Genesis 3:15 on, there’s going to be a seed war to the very end. The very end. And the bible calls the antichrist the “son of perdition.” Son. Of perdition. Right? So they have to renounce that, and they have to renounce any seed that they have given birth to, or cooperated in the insemination of, with heavenly powers. Now this opens the door to a conversation which is the next part of this prayer which deals with spirit children. Now that also, I know, “What do you mean, Daniel? Spirit children? Are you serious?” Absolutely I’m serious! I’ll be doing a show on this at some point later this year where we break it down. At this point, honestly I don’t know if I understand it well enough to break it down for you. This stuff goes so deep, so far. It’s so unheard of, so unaddressed, that there’s not too much help out there. Much of what we’ve learned has been learned on the frontline dealing with things.
I could share a lot of stories about spirit children, and how we’ve encountered them in different ways, and what they do, but realistically, that’s a whole program all by itself. It’s a lot of new. What you need to know, is that it’s often part of the problem. If a person’s been married to a heavenly prince, especially if you are a female, it is highly unlikely that they have not used you for the purpose of giving birth to spirit children. And the easiest thing I can tell you is that when God created us, He gave us a physical womb, and a spiritual womb. So what happens is that when a woman gets pregnant in her physical womb, God puts the spirit of the person that they are going to give birth to in the spiritual womb. And the spiritual womb and the physical work in conjunction with each other to give birth to a baby who has a spirit from God, and a body from man. So that is how they’re designed to work. But guess what? The devil hijacks and pirates everything, and they have made ways to pirate what is called, the spiritual womb. That’s all I’m going to say at this point.
But the last part of this is like, “I also reclaim every part of me that has been imprisoned by principality or in their realm.” Revelation 18:11-13 says, “And the merchants of the earth with weep and mourn over her.” Who’s her? Babylon, right? “For no one buys her merchandise anymore. Merchandise of gold, and silver, precious stones, and pearls, fine linen, and purple silk, and scarlet, every kind of citron wood, every kind of object of ivory, every kind of object of most precious wood, bronze, iron, and marble, and cinnamon, and incense, and fragrant oil, and frankincense, wine, and oil, and fine flour, and wheat, cattle, and sheep, horses, and chariots, and bodies, and souls of men.” See there’s a difference between the bodies of men and the souls of men. And there is a soul trade in the heavens, where they trade the fragments of human souls that have been severed from people through trauma, acts of sin, violence, different things. They’re not even with the person, they’re not in the person’s body, they are imprisoned and held hostage by the princes in their realms. And if you want to help that person get wholeness from that prince that they were attached to, you can’t just sever the prince from them. You have to sever the prince, and you have to demand ever part of them that they held hostage is being released, and brought back. Because that is going to lead to their healing, and wholeness. If you don’t ask for it, “You have not because you ask not.” You have to know this is true. You just have to go after it, which is why I just wrote it into the prayer. So that is because of the babylonian soul trade.
Point eight.
8. I appeal to justice according to 1 Corinthians 3:17, which declares that as a man
sows, so shall he reap. I pray that _________________ would now reap one
hundred fold return for all of the evil sown against me, my ancestors, and all whom I represent, in the form of justice and judgement, in Jesus name.
See, okay. Sowing and reaping is cosmic law. It applies to man, yes, if you put a seed in the ground, it is very likely that you can grow a crop. If you sow financially, God opens the door to financial abundance in your life. If you sow love, others will sow love into you. If you sow peace, others will sow peace into you. What you sow, you will reap, the occultists call it karmic law. Look, sowing and reaping is cosmic law, it doesn’t just govern the affairs of men i the natural, it governs the entire spirit realm. Sowing and reaping is why there is a last day resurrection of the dead. Paul said, “The body is sown, so that it can be harvested.” Right? You sow it in dishonor, it is raised in glory. So death is a seeding of the body for eventual redemption, this is 1 Corinthians 15. So sowing and reaping is cosmic law, it applies to everything. Even justice. And this is how you pay the devil back for the evil which he has sown against you. Now you see, these principalities, they think that they’re going to walk away scott free. You get them to leave the person alone and they’re like, “Well, fine. I’ll leave you alone.” You know? They go on their merry way. That’s not right! They need to pay for what they did! Not only to you, to your family, your ancestors, and everyone you represent.
There’s something in the bible known as the law of representation. Because Jesus Christ died for every man, woman, and child that would ever live. And so God can put on a person the ability to make an influence in the spirit realm, based on many others. That is the law of representation. So you invoke that! You say, “I’m representing! I choose to be representing not only myself, but all of my ancestors that were wronged by this heavenly prince, and everyone else that I represent. Lord! Let’s just make this a class action lawsuit Jesus name!” You know what a class action lawsuit is? It’s when everybody that’s been wronged by a criminal gets paid back. They have to pay for all the wrong they did! Not just to you, but to everyone, so a one thousand dollar lawsuit becomes a one million dollar lawsuit. Right? Law of representation, and then you add the multiplier! It’s going to be a really good harvest! A hundredfold harvest, right? And so the thing is, in order to do this, you have to understand God is a God of justice!
As a matter of fact, Psalm 89:14 says, “Righteousness and justice are the foundation of Your throne. Mercy and truth go before your face.” So God has a throne. The foundation? Righteousness and justice. God is a God of justice. He is angry about what the heavenly powers have done to men, women, and children. He doesn’t like it! You’re upset? He’s upset! Your word will allow His resources to do something about it. I never separate a person from a heavenly prince or power and let them get off scot-free! Yeah right! They must be punished. Justice must be loosed, and it’s God’s good pleasure. His. Good. Pleasure. He likes it when it comes time to punish the hosts of the high ones that are on high, for the evil that they have done. You have in your members, the testimony against them stored up for the revelation of God’s wrath in their realm, and against their persons.
Step nine.
9. I now take authority over every demon on the inside of me, and around me, that has been operating under the authority of ________________. I declare that you are discovered, apprehended, bound, pierced through, and thrust out of me for judgement. I declare that you are being sent to where the Lord Jesus sends you.
Okay, Jesus in Matthew 29:12 says this, “Every kingdom which is divided against itself is brought to desolation. Every city or house divided against itself will not stand. If Satan casts out Satan, he is divided against himself, how will his kingdom stand? And if I cast out demons by Beelzebub, by whom your sons cast them out, therefore, they shall be your judges. But if I cast out demons by the Spirit of God, surely the Kingdom of God has come upon you. Or how can one enter a strongman’s house and plunder his goods, unless he first binds the strongman, and then he will plunder his house.” See, this is the thing. By this point in the prayer, the strongman, being the heavenly prince, they are cut off. Their portals are shut, cords are cut, everything they gave you, you’ve given back, you’ve dealt with the spirit children that have anchored different things into this realm, you’ve divorced them, and any part of them which would have been in agreement with them you’ve put to sleep. They don’t have anything left! The strongman’s bound, now it’s time to plunder the house! Who’s working in the house? Well, all the demons that are under their jurisdiction and authority. See, you try to engage the demons working under the principality’s jurisdiction, they can give you a hard time, and a headache! Because they are drawing power from the prince that you don’t know how to address. So you’re swatting gnats, meanwhile there’s a raging dragon standing in the background laughing at you, wasting everyone’s time. So you bind the strongman!
At this point in the prayer now, all the gnats, they’re getting gassed. There’s nothing they can do at this point! They have nothing to pull on, they have nowhere to go, nowhere to run, no one to run to! Time to clean house! So you just identify them all, strongman’s bound, now you’re sweeping through and cleaning everything up! The demons are going to get right out of there! So as this happens, you can actually call stuff back, “All the wealth they stole from me, I take it back.” You know? You can plunder their house. “All the peace they stole from me, I’m taking it back. All the demons they left in me, I’m kicking out!” You plunder it, right? Depending on my mood, because I do this all the time now, and it’s just ridiculous, sometimes I’ll say, “Go wherever the Lord sends you!” Other times I’ll send them to the abyss because I want them to suffer, I’m just upset, “Well, we’re just going to put you right into pain.” If I’m really mad? I’ll command their execution and destruction. Believe it or not, spirits can be extinguished from existence in the spirit realm.
I didn’t know this until I began to see it. Yeah, it gets that brutal. And I’m not ashamed of it, either! I’ll do it! And so anytime I’m beginning to get more of a headache than I feel like I should have, it’s going to get pretty brutal. And it’s because I know who my God is, I know who I am, and I’m on assignment, and I’m not playing games. They weren’t playing games when they destroyed the lives of all these people God has called me to help, and I don’t have mercy on the merciless. So, you know there’s a lot of things, there are so many more principles I can expound upon from these, but these are just some of the mechanics we have to understand as basics to make it through this prayer, which I’d say 90-95% of cases is going to just completely wipe out that influence of that heavenly prince in that person’s life. Now there’s always those cases where there’s something this prayer doesn’t address, something extra. That’s why you have the Holy Spirit of Truth working with you when you go through this, He might reveal something, show something, unveil something, and you need to add that to this framework. So you just add it. It’s a framework, it’s a frame, it’s a guideline, and it’s a tool. So that’s point nine.
Point ten.
10. Lastly, I pray that every spiritual object, tattoo, or branding placed in or around every part of me by _____________ or those under his/her authority would be consumed in the Holy Fire of Jesus Christ and totally dissolved. I now cause _____________________’s memory to perish concerning every part of me, and my seed, in Jesus’ name.
Spiritual objects. See the bible says in Jeremiah 7:30, “For the children of Judah have done evil in my sight, says the Lord. They have set abominations in the house which is called by my name to pollute it.” See the house of God can be polluted when abominations are set up in there. But we have to understand that what is being done by the heavenly princes in you is a heavenly, or spiritual counterpart of the types and shadows that we see being done in the natural. Especially regarding the house of the Lord, which is you! So if they, regarding the house of Israel, polluted the house of God by putting an object in there of abomination in there, an idol, how much more are you being polluted when the heavenly princes put objects inside of you in the spirit realm which you can’t see? And they do that! And it becomes an anchor point of bondage. That’s how they come back! Just realize that it’s already been discovered, “I know what they did.” So you just deal with it on the front end. You don’t have to have a fresh revelation on everything, every time. Just name it, it’s probably there. So we kick out the spiritual objects.
Tattoos, and branding. The bible says in Leviticus 19:18, “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you, I am the Lord.” See especially when you have fragmentation due to Satanic Ritual Abuse, and alternate personalities exist within a person as disassociated parts of themselves in the mind and subconscious, and in the spirit realm, they will have a form. They will have an appearance. As a matter of fact, if you look at them, the parts of a person in the spirit realm, they will have their own body. Very, very interesting the way this works. And so what these guys will do, they’re so diabolical, they’ll take the parts that are loyal to them in the spirit realm, and apply tattoos. Tattoos to the parts of a person that are disassociated in order to place that additional anchor of bondage in the person’s life. You kick them out, but they say, “Well there’s that part, and when they wake up they’re still going to have that tattoo, and I’m going to come back, and I’m going to rape them tonight.” I’m not kidding! This is what happens! I mean, I’m telling you guys, I have run the gamut, I’ve just seen so much. I’ve seen so much.
So what we do, is we realize on the front end that there are parts that have probably have a tattoo or branding given them by the heavenly prince, or one of their lackeys. And we consume it from their spiritual essence or the disassociated parts of their person with the holy consuming fire of Jesus Christ. Because it’s a refiner’s fire, it cleanses and purges, and that solves that back-door problem. That’s it, it’s done, severed. They don’t have that anymore, we took it away from them. And then the last thing that you do, I mean even Jezebel, before I’m gone, 2 Kings 9:30, before she died, she performed witchcraft, and she put paint on her eyes and adorned her head, and looked through the window. She invoked occult power prior to her death. They know that the tattoos, the paintings, the brandings, invokes occult power, even if done to a disassociated piece of a person.
And this is why a lot of christians have a lot of problems, because there’s a lot of christians running around, they refuse to address the fact that they are disassociated. They’ve been through Satanic Ritual Abuse, they’ve had things done against them, they want to be free but they refuse to look at why they need to be free, and what they need to be free from. And it’s these kinds of things that remain in place that will cause their lives to be continually destroyed no matter how many prayers they get. Which is why I say, if you want the pain to stop, you have to be open to the full work of the Lord Jesus Christ in your life. You’ve just got to open the door to it, and say, “You know what, God? If I want the pain to stop, I’m going to look at it.” Because it’s hidden, it’s deep, it’s buried, and it won’t stop until it’s dealt with.
Okay so the last point, Deuteronomy 12:24, “The Lord your God is a consuming fire.” I close the prayer with a memory-wipe of the heavenly powers. “Now Daniel, what do you mean, ‘a memory-wipe of the heavenly powers?’ Spirit beings can get their memories wiped?” Yeah! Actually they can. Isaiah 26:14 says, “They are dead, they will not live, they are deceased, they will not rise: therefore You have punished and destroyed them, and made all their memory to perish.” Well, that passage is in a part of the book of Isaiah where he is having a dialogue about the nature of the resurrection of the dead. And then he gets to a certain part and he says, “But there are going to be some that are not going to be given a resurrection of the dead.” But when you get to the book of Revelation, everybody that’s human gets a resurrection from the dead. Those in Christ come and get a resurrection to life, those that are in Death and Hell get a resurrection to the great white throne judgement. Everyone gets resurrected. So who is not getting resurrected in Isaiah 26:14?
Some confusion, until you look at the original Hebrew, and you realized that the deceased in this passage are the ‘rapha’. Now that means ghosts or shades. Now the ghosts, that’s likely there because ‘rapha’ is etymologically derived from the word ‘raphaim’, which is one of the lineages of the giants in the old testament, which goes along with the book of 1 Enoch which says that “From the bodies of the giants go forth demons.” See there are spirit beings that are evil, and God said He’ll make their memory to perish. When I realized this, it helped a lot of things, because see when you get done with this prayer, people are very nervous, because this power in the heavens is very strong, it’s destroyed a large portion of their lives, and now that they are free, it’s kind of ticked off. So they’re kind of nervous, “What’s going to happen to me?” This part of the prayer seals peace. Because when God comes in and responds to this request, and wipes their memory of the person and their seed, there’s a revelation that, “He’s not looking at me anymore! I really am walking away from this heavenly power.”
So this outline is what we have used over, and over, and over, and over. Folks, it is so super-effective, I am telling you. I don’t even play guess work, I don’t try to figure anything out anymore, once I got this put together, I just read it over, and over, and over again. It’s so easy, and it’s like, “Man, that’s kind of redundant Daniel! I mean, you just keep doing the same thing over, and over again.” It’s like, “Yeah! Why not? You know, if it’s not broken, don’t fix it!” This has been tailored through the fires of frontline warfare, and hardship, and difficulty, and I have just had to work through things. It’s so hard, and it’s like you get done with something and you’re like, “Man, praise the Lord we survived that one!” You know? And I don’t want to go back to that, I just keep using this! And you can too! Why? Well once you are at a place with the Lord where you are equipped to be able to minister without having your life destroyed because you have so many doors open, you have a resource created by someone that has walked with the Lord to figure it all out. Use it! It’s yours,, prayer resources tab, download. Done.
I’m going to at this point, close this program with a list. I’m going to name off a list of a number, a large number of principalities I have personally confronted, dealt with, and set people free from. It’s pretty extensive. Every single one of these has been dealt with by me at some point or another. There are principalities that I have dealt with that I didn’t even take the time to put on this particular list, but it’s a pretty good list, I just didn’t have time to go through all of my notes prior to recording this program to find every single one that I’ve dealt with at one point or another. But this is the part of the program where I’m going to tell you will trigger you if you have some bondage.
You want to be careful with this part of the program. I take no liability, this is my warning! If you think you have some mega principality powers in your life and you listen to this part of the program, and it throws you into a tailspin because just hearing their name totally triggers you, that’s not my fault because I warned you. This is your fair warning. But this helps, because if you make it through this, and you’re able to identify all of the names of the ones that make your head spin, make you get dizzy, make you feel sick to your stomach, invoke fear, or panic, those are the targets. That’s how you know that’s the one you need to get set free from. And then you can find a minister, or work your way through the prayer if you think you’re strong enough, to get free!
So what are some of the names of some of the princes that you’ve dealt with that I might need to deal with? Here are their names:
The counterfeit archangel Michael
St. Germain
The Queen of Heaven
There are a lot of these guys. I just listed off a number of the major players. You have equipment, you have a tool, That’s where you can get that entire prayer I just talked through this entire program. Folks, that’s all for today. You’ve been listening to Discovering The Truth with Dan Duval. God bless, and Godspeed.
Discovering the truth with Dan Duval is the premier radio program designed to center you on the Kingdom of God. To equip you with faith in Jesus Christ, and to unveil the truth behind the lies. This program has been a production of Bride Ministries. You can find us on the web at At our website you can contact us, access resources, and support us with donations. We need partners in order to continue to promote our vision, which is to promote unity in the body of Christ worldwide, and to assist in the development of sheep nations. Partner with us, and be sure to like us Facebook, and follow us on twitter. Until next time, God bless, and Godspeed.