Sunday, March 3, 2013

Overcoming Discouragement

                So you're discouraged. I get that. Life is hard, and anyone that said it was easythey lied. Maybe you're in the midst of a difficult break-up. Maybe you are watching in disbelief as your marriage is falling to pieces. You may have just found out that you're the next mother of a pregnant teenager, and she's already four-months pregnant. Maybe your children are in gross rebellion, and while you don't want to admit it, all you can do is blame yourself and your own shortcomings.
                You may be discouraged because of that addiction you can never overcome. Is it alcohol? Maybe it's marijuana? Or is your demon even more insidious, like cocaine or heroin? Maybe your battle is with pornography or masturbation. Maybe, it's simply the cyclical self-defeating ideologies that play over and over in your head like a broken record player. Whatever boat you find yourself in, you are hurting. When you sit back and attempt to assess your life, you are overwhelmed by a horrific sinking feeling. You feel like wasted life.
                Discouragement is difficult. When a person is engaged in this battle, it is like trying to wrestle their way out from under a ten thousand pound cinder block. I've been there. Weakness overtakes us no matter what strategy we attempt to implement. It's like trying to start a car with no gas. Even with a fresh coat of wax and brand new rimseven with a pricy clean up jobit's not going anywhere. The engine will try to start: but it will fail. As the driver, you eventually give up, lean back in your chair, and resolve that under the present circumstances, you are not going anywhere.
                Maybe you are the one that has paid for seminars, self-help books, counseling, and still have yet to see the change you need. You are like that freshly waxed car. Your head is full of great advice. You know things that have worked for others. Maybe you even spoke some of that knowledge and watched it bless someone else. But you, that's different. You have no results. You have more failure. You have more discouragement. Discouragement and hopelessness are a dynamic duo, and they dynamically oppress your life. What can you do?
                Unfortunately, I must admit upfront that there is no way a single article can solve all of the complexities of your situation. However, I believe that there are certain key insights that may start you down a path that will ultimately introduce you to the victory you have so longed for. The truth of the matter is that I have battled with discouragement. Frankly put, there are moments that I still battle with discouragement. The difference for me is that I now understand the true nature of my battle with discouragement. Before I realized its true nature, I got my butt kicked every time!
                Before I disclose the true nature of my battle with discouragement I want to make one thing clear. Physiological chemical imbalances can lead to feelings of discouragement. If a simple change in diet or some herbal supplements solve your feelings of discouragement, this is clearly the source of your problems. If these changes have no impact, then your battle with discouragement runs deeper. For you, my personal insights may prove exceptionally helpful.
                In the year of 2011 I went on a unique type of fast. I fasted all media and forms of electronic entertainment. This meant no movies, no TV, no video games, etc. I took it a step further and even fasted entertainment in the form of fiction novels and other publications designed to provide entertainment. This may have been easier if I was working a full-time job, but for the majority of the year I wasn't working at all. I literally prayed, studied, and wrote all day long. Can you imagine? It was the ultimate attempt to sever myself from all things worldly and totally immerse myself into the things of God. This fast went on without interruption for a literal 365 days. Under such circumstances, most would simply assume that I ate and slept the glory and presence of God.
                Contrary to popular thought, this was not quite the case. Don't get me wrong, it worked to greatly accelerate certain works of God in my personal life, and I did have incredible moments with God that in some ways are impossible to describe with words. However, the majority of my day-to-day life was repetitive. I read so many non-fiction books on God and the Bible that all of the information began to repeat itself. There were many times that I found myself incredibly bored. However, the biggest challenge (at least initially) was discouragement. About three months into the fast discouragement hung onto me so heavily that felt like my physical body would literally collapse under the weight of it. Where was this discouragement coming from?
                This is when I began to understand in a very personal way that my battle with discouragement was spiritual. It was an attack on my life because the enemy hated the way I was sacrificing myself to go deeper with God. Thus discouragement was given an assignment to not only stifle my ability to engage God during the fast but also to interrupt the fast if at all possible.
                It was a few days into this horrific attack that God spoke to me about starting a prayer team. I contacted several close and trusted believers and formed a team of people to pray me through that year. I want to take a moment to give a very special shout-out to my Mom, Fabienne, Martyne, Becky, and my Grandparents for making up my prayer team that year. The impact: within days of linking arms with these other believers the power of discouragement was broken (in addition to numerous other answered prayers). It was a battle I wasn't yet strong enough to win myself. I needed others to stand with me, and in unity there was victory. If you are like I was, and nothing you've done has worked, I urge you to surround yourself with others. Christianity is a team effort. We need the support and prayers of others to win!
                Don't forget to check us out on Discovering the Truth with Dan Duval which airs live every Tuesday night at 7:00 pm CST! Please Like us and also Follow us for weekly updates!
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