Saturday, November 12, 2011

The Illuminati

                I want to begin this week with a question. Have you ever heard the phrase: if it were a snake it would have bit you? This phrase is usually used to describe a situation when an individual completely overlooks something that is right in their face. Think about a time when someone in your family asked you to get them something and then told you exactly where it was. When you went to get it you looked in the area, glancing right at the thing (whatever it was) and then went back to them claiming it wasn’t there. Aggravated, they dropped what they were doing to take you with them and fetch the object from exactly where they told you it was. Only at that point did you realize that if it were a snake, it would have bit you.

                There are proverbial snakes in the world today. What many in the church don’t understand is that they are already getting bitten by them. They look them in the face regularly, but are entirely blind to what is actually going on. They do not have the discernment to recognize what they are looking at, nor do most want it.

                I am going to present shocking information. It is my prayer that the majority that read this will receive these difficult things. The absence of knowledge contributes to the destruction of God’s people. Therefore, those things which are spoken of in darkness must be heard in the light.

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6)

Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” (Luke 12:3)

The fact of the matter is: The Illuminati are real.

If you thought this was just a fictional organization or the stuff of conspiracy theorists you couldn’t be further from the truth. The goal of the Illuminati is global domination. They are the masterminds behind the New World Order… at least on the human side of things.
Before I go any further you are inevitably thinking, “Hold on… that is a bold claim. Where is the evidence?!” Here is a list of sources that will undoubtedly change the way you view this world. I am heavily burdened by the level of ignorance pertaining to these things. This is especially true because I already know that I am called to be a leader when all of this “hits the fan.” So here is the evidence, not only for the illuminati, but also for mind control, secret operations, non-human entities, underground base activity, bloodlines in the kingdom of darkness, parallel dimensions, and the infiltration of the church. The fact of the matter is that most of us have been blind to so much for so long. Many of the following links are interviews: WARNING, there will be some graphic details that are shared. I do not recommend playing the following links with young children around. These first two links come from ex-illuminati born-again believers.

The following links are auxiliary as they will give a wide range of information involving many more issues converging around the illuminist agenda. Not all of these sources are Christian, so the interviewees may not all have perspectives that are in line with Scripture. Take these stories with a grain of salt.

                This seems to be how it works. The illuminati are a group of generational Luciferians that trace their lineages back to ancient civilizations (although traditional research provides an official modern day inception of 1776). They operate in secrecy through the use of occult science. They have infiltrated all levels of government, free-masonry, media, banking, and other areas of society with their members. This seems to be their pattern of relaying their agenda from generation to generation:

1.       They marry according to bloodlines and compatibility
2.       Their children are abused (in every way imaginable) to create dissociation in them
3.       The abuse fractures their core person (spiritual/soul level) and allows for the creation of multiple personalities rendering them victims of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
4.       Their personalities are programmed, structured, trained, and often demonized for the overall purpose of executing agendas with the goal of bringing about a “New World Order.”
5.       Their created personalities (alters) conduct all of the hidden, dark activity of the cult while “normal” personalities come in to present during the individual’s everyday life.
6.       The “alters” of these individuals have all of the occult powers and skill sets programmed into the individual. They conduct all of the abuse, rituals, and missions, while the person retains no memory of what they are doing. This allows one mind controlled generation to program the next, all the while leaving the spiritual hierarchy of darkness in complete control.
7.       The fact that the many of these individuals retain no memory of what they are doing allows the enemy to seed his people into the church, key areas of society, the military, the education system, etc. The people themselves often have no idea about what occurs when their “alters” are presenting. This also allows the enemy to seed “sleepers” into society that are programmed to “awaken” under certain planned scenarios like the bringing of martial law to America and the arrival of antichrist. A whole lot about this can be gleaned from the book The Black Awakening by Russ Dizdar.

This pattern is the very similar to the techniques used to create sex-slaves, super-soldiers, “Manchurian candidates” and other assets as revealed in the testimonies above through avenues like MK-Ultra in the US and Project Mannequin in the UK. These methods have been refined in the past 70 years through black research beginning in Nazi Germany and continuing into this country under project paperclip.

This is what the church is up against now. In our very pews, neighborhoods, education system, government, military, etc. are members of an extremely wicked cult (and its sister organizations) that may or may not have any idea what they belong to. The highest level bloodline illuminati are members of royal families. Added to this is the non-human side of things—something that is harder to explain. It ultimately boils down to fallen angels and their children… they are not “aliens.” When I speak of “children” I am not just referring to direct angel to human offspring as discussed by Doug Riggs, who works with deprogramming nephilim mothers. “Children” also includes second and third generation hybrids, clones, demons, and genetic abominations that come as a result of genetic experimentations by angels. This is referenced in several of the eye-witness testimonies included above. These things were spoken of by the prophet Daniel when he said “they” would mingle themselves with the seed of men.
“And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.” (Daniel 2:43)

The current church is primarily looking to leaders that are scared to death of the things discussed in this letter. The average leader in the body of Christ is absolutely unequipped to deal with the implications of this activity. Even those that are willing to acknowledge these issues won’t be caught speaking out about them, and if they do they are most likely putting all of their hope in a pre-tribulation rapture. Finding leaders that are prepared to equip the body of Christ to prevail through these things has been close to impossible—until now.
God is building an army that the world does not yet see or follow. When the leadership of institutionalized religion fails, true leaders will arise. Under them the church will come to inevitable unity because like I have said—it is not optional. I am not afraid and I do not plan on being “evacuated.” I am a leader of the church of the last days and I know that there are others like me. There is no escape, just a job to do.


1.       What are your thoughts after listening to Mary Ann?
2.       What are your thoughts after listening to Svali?
3.       What are your thoughts after learning about the history of the illuminati?
4.       How can unity help the church to become more effective in confronting the enemy?
5.       What are you learning from the other testimonies linked to this letter?