Have you checked the headlines in the news lately? I hope
so, because we appear to be in the most momentous time in all of history. It is
difficult to debate the notion that our world seems to be crumbling before our
eyes. Chemical weapons were recently unleashed in Syria. Iran in on track to
become a nuclear threat soon. The US government recently shutdown for several
weeks and is positioned to shut down again in early 2014. There have been
earthquakes. There have been hurricanes. There have been forest fires. There
have been massive crop failures. Last year in Chicago there were more US
citizens that died due to gun-related murders than there were US soldiers that
died in the Afghanistan warzone. If the numbers are pushed back to 2001, the
ratio is 2.5:1, Chicago over Afghanistan.
the US government is in debt to the tune of over 17 trillion dollars right now.
Most people cannot conceptualize the enormity of this number. However, consider
this illustration. If one dollar bills were laid end-to-end this debt would
stretch over 8,698,333,000,000 feet. That's over 1,647,412,000 miles. Put in
perspective our debt would literally stretch to Saturn and back with millions
of dollars to spare! On the books we don't even have the technology to put
people on Saturn. This debt doesn't even include unfunded liabilities like
medicare and other future debt obligations which literally quadruple these
numbers. Does anyone else feel slightly unnerved?
This is
just the tip of the iceberg. Frankly, agendas are in place to radically alter
what it even means to be human. There is an entire movement spreading like a
dark cloud over the earth hailing what is known as trans-humanism. The goal is
to pursue directed evolution graduating humans into a future that includes converging
the human genome with the genes of animals, and even novel genetic codes via
emerging developments in synthetic biology. Furthermore, it includes incorporating
nanotechnology and robotics into humans in order to augment and enhance our
abilities. This future includes singularity--the point where artificial
intelligence advances to a point of greater-than-human intelligence.
fact, according to a website for the 2045 Strategic Social Initiative
(www.2045.com) the following goals are outlined for the world to ponder:
2015 to 2020 - A robotic copy of a human body
remotely controlled via BCI (Brain-Computer Interface)
2020 to 2025 - An Avatar in which a human brain
is transplanted at the end of one's life
2030 to 2035 - An Avatar with an artificial
brain in which a human personality is transferred at the end of one's life
2040 to 2045 - A hologram-like avatar
other words, the discussion revolves around how to move humans towards
immortality. While it is a fact that our present body must experience death,
technology seeks to figure out ways to transfer human consciousness into other
bodies entirely. The first stage is to understand the brain to the extent that it
can be used to operate a robotic copy of a human body remotely.
next step is to basically use a form of brain-transplantation in an effort to
not only avoid death, but to situate the person and their consciousness in a
body that can be designed to certain specifications. Since the avatar doesn't
have to be born like God intended, the avatar can be built and genetically
manipulated. Beyond this, the technology seeks to move beyond the brain such
that they can actually pass the human consciousness or what we as Christians
might understand as "inner-man" into
an avatar with an artificial brain. What we think of as only science
fiction has been assigned a time-frame. Beyond that time-frame, some of the
greatest minds in the world are expecting science fiction to become science
last stage is the most disconcerting. How can consciousness be passed into a
hologram-like avatar? Could this be a reference to the creation of light-bodies?
Could this be a plan to counterfeit the glorification promised to believers at
the return of Christ? These are questions that can no longer be dismissed as
nonsense by the body of Christ. While many Christians want to stick their heads
in the sand and pretend like these things aren't happening right now, the forces
of darkness are advancing at unprecedented rates towards what I call the
antichrist agenda.
One of
the promises that believers look forward to at the coming of Christ is the
resurrection of the dead and the subsequent glorification. According to the
book of Daniel, the bodies that Jesus will glorify at His coming will shine
like the stars of the firmament. "And many of them that sleep in the dust
of the earth shall awake...and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness
of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever
and ever (Daniel 12:2a-3)."
another place the Bible declares that the body we are to receive will be raised
up a spiritual body (1 Corinthians 15:44). This means that it will be a body
fully conformed to the spiritual nature we share with Christ. It will be a body
unhindered by the three-dimensional realities of the world in which we live. It
will not die, it will not get sick, it will not have to travel the distance
between two points in space, and frankly I don't even think it will be affected
by gravity. It will be a physical body with all the qualities of a redeemed
spiritual nature.
Satan is a deceiver who will attempt to counterfeit everything that God
creates. He will not stop at creating a counterfeit Jesus (known as antichrist),
it is clear that he will even counterfeit the resurrection if possible. Are we
living in the last days? You be the judge. However, until Jesus Christ returns
it is time for the body of Christ to brace itself for a rapidly changing world.