Saturday, October 29, 2011

The Intimate Bride

                God is the ultimate Romantic. His beauty is boundless. His eyes are filled with the burning of eternal passion. He seeks not only to be close to us, but to actually cover us with His feathers (Psalm 91:4). He houses us within Himself, becoming our fortress, our security, and our refuge (Psalm 91:2). Getting to know this side of God is a road less travelled for many believers. The reason is that it is incredibly scary. When the apostle John looked into the eyes of Jesus he fell as if dead at His feet.

“And I turned to see the voice that spake with me…His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire…And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead.” (Revelation 1:12a, 14, 17a)

I have experienced these eyes. Although I do not claim to have seen Jesus manifest like the apostle John, I know that I have experienced these eyes in the realm of the spirit during times of deep prayer. I have felt the terror of having nothing to hide as eyes full of the knowledge and authority of eternity pierced through me. My spirit has trembled and quaked in the presence of God. His holiness and perfection are unimaginably intimidating. How can we draw close?

The themes of marriage fill the scriptures. The present age that we are in began with marriage and it will end in marriage. It began with the marriage of Adam and Eve and it will end with the marriage of the church to Jesus Christ. Marriage is something that is ever so important to God. If you find this hard to believe, simply consider that everything leading up to the return of Jesus is ultimately for the preparation of the church to become the wife of the Lamb. Christianity isn’t about a method for getting to heaven. It is about becoming prepared to be wed to the very God that sits upon eternity.

“Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.” (Ephesians 5:25-27)

 Let this sink in for a moment. If we are afraid to look into the eyes of God, how can we consider ourselves ready to be married to Him? Have you ever found yourself in a position where you had to look someone in the eyes and found it particularly difficult? For instance, consider failing your boss and having to explain yourself. Think about how difficult it can be at times to disappoint simple human authority. How about facing a close friend after you’ve utterly betrayed their trust? Looking into the eyes of pain that you are responsible for is chilling. What about answering to your parents after you did something very wrong and you knew it? Guilt weighs heavily upon the soul.

We can hide things from men, but a single glance from God brings everything to the surface. Nothing can be hidden from His sight. Now imagine yourself, right where you are. Suddenly Jesus is standing before you. The entire atmosphere shifts as darkness flees his presence. Everything around you conforms to the brilliance of his magnificence. Every justification and excuse you make before men utterly fails you. Your spirit collapses within you, your head spins, and you weep profusely. He draws close because you cannot move. He looks into your eyes, and the depth of eternity is burned violently into your heart. You have just experienced the ecstasy of your future spouse.
What are we living for? When will the day come when the church begins to understand that this isn’t about a church program or a weekend seminar? When will a new identity define the church? We are the bride of Christ. We are called to be intimate with the Most High God. This isn’t just for me or the super-spiritual guy that everyone is uncomfortable to be around. The church isn’t prepared until you are prepared. Our preparation requires a united effort. Are you ready to look into the eyes of Jesus, your lover; or does the thought of it cause your bowels to sink within you? Be honest with yourself because you’re not hiding anything from God.

“Shall not God search this out? for he knoweth the secrets of the heart.” (Psalm 44:21)


1.       What emotions does the thought of looking Jesus in the eyes evoke within you?
2.       How prepared are you to call Jesus you spouse?
3.       Have you ever felt intimate with God?
4.       Is intimacy for the super-spiritual or for the whole church?
5.       What is the most incredible moment of intimacy you have experienced with God?