Monday, March 7, 2011

The River of God

                God created nature and nature is beautiful. Make no mistake; I am not a fan of the pollen, the mosquitoes, and everything else that reminds us that the earth is under a curse. However, even with the flaws of our planet, it is incredible what a midnight walk on the beach without shoes can do for the soul. It is incredible how sitting up in a tree rooted on the edge of a flowing river strikes peace, pleasure, and satisfaction into our hearts.
                This week we are going to talk about the rivers. What do rivers have to do with unity or the Word of God? In the millennial kingdom, meaning the 1000 year period that Jesus rules on the earth after His second coming, a river will flow from the temple that will bring healing.

                “Then brought he me out of the way of the gate northward, and led me about the way without unto the utter gate by the way that looketh eastward; and, behold, there ran out waters on the right side… Then said he unto me, These waters issue out toward the east country, and go down into the desert, and go into the sea: which being brought forth into the sea, the waters shall be healed. And it shall come to pass, that every thing that liveth, which moveth, whithersoever the rivers shall come, shall live: and there shall be a very great multitude of fish, because these waters shall come thither: for they shall be healed; and every thing shall live whither the river cometh.” (Ezekiel 47:2, 8-9)

We will witness life and healing everywhere this river goes. The Bible also prophetically describes another river. After the millennial rule God will create a new heaven and a new earth. In this new earth there will yet again be a river, and from this river will spring forth the tree of life whose leaves are specifically for the healing of the nations.

“And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” (Revelation 22:1-2)

Rivers in the Word of God bring healing. We can identify with this even now. There are entire CD’s that are sold with little more than recordings of flowing rivers. The effects of a flowing river are tremendous upon the soul. They refresh our feelings and emotions, they bring tranquility, they help us to process and organize our thoughts, and in the solitude of their presence we cannot help but unwind. Is it any wonder that the Bible describes rivers as bringing healing? However, the temporary and limited healing effects that rivers have today will be supernaturally amplified by God in coming ages.
In the Bible, water is symbolically representative of the Word of God. Below I have inserted brackets to bring context to the verse.

“That he [God] might sanctify and cleanse it [the church] with the washing of water by the word” (Ephesians 5:26)

This verse explains that God’s Word has the effect of water on the church, and with it we are washed and made clean. The Bible contains the Word of God. Jesus is also called the Word of God in John 1. This is why Jesus and His Word are one. Jesus is the word made flesh (John 1:14). In essence, when God washes us in the water of His word He is washing us with the perfume and essence of Jesus. The more we are washed, the more we look like, smell like, think like, and live like Jesus. This is what the Bible means by the word sanctification. The word “sanctify” means to set apart.
In order to be washed by water, we need a continual supply of fresh water. Showers are a relatively new invention. Before the existence of indoor plumbing, baths were taken in buckets, in public baths, and in rivers. All of these methods of cleansing allowed for a fresh supply of water to be brought in and used. On the same tangent the Bible is the living Word of God. The Bible is always relevant, as the Holy Spirit has an unlimited supply of fresh water with which to spiritually wash us. If the Bible were not the living Word, eventually it would stagnate and become lifeless.
Have you ever seen dirty bath water? It can get fairly gross. Now imagine a game of football in the mud. If one bathtub of water were intended to be the cleansing agent for the entire Pittsburg Steelers football team, what would that water look like after 80 to 90 players all took their turn, one at a time, scrubbing down their mud, filth, sweat, and blood in the same bathtub. First of all, it should be pointed out that after the first few players got done with this water, it would no longer be sufficient for cleansing. Most of the players that got in this water would come out dirtier and smellier than they were when they got it. Now imagine that after they all got done, you had to refresh your thirst with the same water.
The Bible has something interesting to say about the river during the millennium. The millennium is something that is not well understood by most, primarily because it is assumed that it has no relevance to our lives today. This couldn’t be further from the truth, but for today let us focus on one aspect of this coming world. Not all of it will be fully healed after Jesus returns. Consider the following passage:

“But the miry places thereof and the marishes thereof shall not be healed; they shall be given to salt.” (Ezekiel 47:11)

This verse comes from the same passage that was quoted at the beginning of this letter. It makes a reference to swamps and marshes that will not be healed in the millennium. Instead, they will be given to salt. Why? They are not connected to the life source present in the river. Whenever water stagnates, it becomes gross, polluted, and undesirable.
Now let’s consider this symbolically. The river is God’s Word that washes, cleanses, and makes new. God’s Word brings healing. However, the marshes will not experience God’s healing. The reason is that they are not connected to the source of the water. They simply have taken some of the water, separated themselves from the source, and let the water stagnate. This is the Word that is unconnected from the source in populations of God’s people. They will not receive healing.
In order to bring unity to the body of Christ much healing will be required. People must be healed personally, families must see restoration, and leaders must reconcile. This power to bring this healing only comes with a constant supply of fresh water. There are groups within Christianity that refuse fresh water. They have built walls around themselves and made themselves into marshes. They are the football players that shower and drink out of the same bathtub. They suffer spiritual death and decay and think that they are doing God a favor. They will not receive healing, and many will be unable to unite. Even in the millennium, the actual marshes that scripture refers to will not receive healing.
God is against exclusivity, segregation, and stagnation. Please, do not reject the word of unity for the sake of doctrine. Many have rejected truth for the sake of doctrine. There is no nobility in rejecting unity because Minister X disagrees with “line 28 on page 302” of your denominational handbook of doctrine. There is no nobility in this. Do not become a marsh; step out into the river and find refreshing, healing, peace, and restoration.

1.       How does time spent in solitude around flowing water affect you personally? How do you see God in this?
2.       Symbolically, what does water represent?
3.       Symbolically, what can a river represent?
4.       Have you ever witnessed a spiritual marsh? What are the qualities and characteristics of such places?
5.       Considering the issue of unity in the body of Christ, where do you stand at this point in time?