Saturday, March 31, 2012

Generational Curses


                Have you ever heard the phrase, “like father like son”? Of course you have. The reason: oftentimes children will imitate aspects of their parents. Granted, no child is an exact duplicate of either one of their parents, but he or she will inevitably have some of their characteristics. More often than not there is no rhyme or reason to which characteristics a particular child may take away. It’s always a mixed bag of good traits and bad traits. Why?

                There are several answers to this question. One involves the concept of modeled behavior. Life is way too complicated to figure out everything. A parent is to model necessary behaviors so that their children will not have to figure certain things out on their own. For instance, parents actually model language and communication. The child will learn how to communicate by observing their parents from birth. No child has ever grown up in a family that speaks mandarin Chinese and invented a Spanish dialect as their preferred mode of communication prior to speaking their first words. This would be ridiculous. Children learn modeled behavior.

                However, there is another level to this that goes even deeper. Have you ever seen someone do something and say, “It’s in their blood”? Take musical families for example. Why is it that in some families everyone can sing well? In other families, everyone sings horribly. As a matter of fact, some families are so bad—the birthday song can be a moment of embarrassment. If this is your family, just remember that there is no condemnation in Christ. My point is that there are traits that seem to be more genetic in nature. While modeled behavior is one aspect that gets passed down through the generations of a particular family, genetics is another.

                Then there is sin. I truly wish this were not the case but it often is. Keep in mind that when Jesus became a curse for us by being nailed to the cross (Galatians 3:13), His death and resurrection only purchased the potential for us to be completely free. It is our responsibility to claim freedom from curses by faith. Everything in Christianity comes by faith as an act of our free will. If we don’t ask Jesus to do something, He won’t force his goodness upon us. The Bible says that whatever we ask, believing that we receive it, we will have it (Matthew 21:22). It doesn’t matter whether or not Jesus CAN do something for us. What matters is that we BELIEVE He can do it for us, and then ask. This is when we begin to have the things that He wants for us, which is life and life more abundantly (John 10:10).

                With this being said, there are curses that are often with us for no fault of our own. These are called generational curses. These are the result of sins that were committed by those in our family line. The consequences for these sins, which were not repented of, were passed from one generation to the next like a form of spiritual DNA. The reason is found in the following verse.

                “And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth, Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation.” (Exodus 34:6-7)

                It is a spiritual law that the sins of the parents will come down upon the heads of their children. Most sins seem to have a lifespan of three to four generations within a family line, however, some may span as many as ten (Deuteronomy 23:2). Just like genetics, this does not mean that every possible curse that a parent could be operating under will be passed to their children. There will be some curses passed to one child and others passed to another. Regardless of which curses are passed down, or how many one particular child might be operating under, the solution is Jesus who has all power in heaven and on earth.

                And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth.” (Matthew 28:18)

                “Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)

                What are some examples of possible generational curses? Here is a list which by no means is all inclusive: abortion, rejection, isolation, bad marriage, divorce, can’t marry, greed, prostitution, fornication, adultery, alcoholism, anger, rage, depression, anxiety, sore loser, bully, impatient, lust, pornography, arguments, laziness, suicide, not teachable, always quits, foolishness, failure, poverty, witchcraft, gambling, rebellion, disrespectful, cowardly, etc.

                As you can see, just about anything negative can come upon someone’s head as a curse. The key to identifying generational curses are patterns. Just because a destructive pattern or sin is present in someone’s life does not mean it is a generational curse. We must look at the destructive activity that is manifesting across generations. Do alcoholic tendencies run through the family? Are there a lot of children being born out of wedlock? Is drug abuse something that seems to repeat itself from one generation to the next? Is everyone divorced?

Patterns are a great indicator of potential generational curses. However, there are certain generational curses that seem to skip an entire generation and reemerge. Whatever the case, the solution is always the same. The curse must be broken by the power of Jesus Christ.

In order to break generational curses it is necessary to repent of the sins of our forefathers. We can learn a lesson here from Nehemiah.

“And said, I beseech thee, O LORD God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for them that love him and observe his commandments: Let thine ear now be attentive, and thine eyes open, that thou mayest hear the prayer of thy servant, which I pray before thee now, day and night, for the children of Israel thy servants, and confess the sins of the children of Israel, which we have sinned against thee: both I and my father's house have sinned. We have dealt very corruptly against thee, and have not kept the commandments, nor the statutes, nor the judgments, which thou commandedst thy servant Moses.” (Nehemiah 1:5-7)

                Notice how Nehemiah not only repents of his personal sins, but also the sins of his forefathers. In doing this he was breaking the power of generational curses. Today, we can break generational curses in the same way. You may be wondering how you can repent of sins you don’t know about. When dealing with generational sins, it is much less necessary to be specific than when we are repenting of our personal sins. God gives grace, and there are inevitably going to be things your ancestors have done that you will never have knowledge of. A prayer like the following is good for breaking generational curses.

                “Father, I thank you that if we confess our sins, you are faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. I repent of the sins of my forefathers coming down through both my mother’s lineage and my father’s lineage going back ten generations. I specifically repent for (name sins you know have been committed by your ancestors). I receive your cleansing from these sins. Right now, according to the power of the blood of Jesus, I break the power of all generational curses and I declare that both I and my offspring are free from the generational curses of our family tree. I specifically declare that the generational curses of (name specific generational curses you have identified) are no longer permitted to operate in my life. I make this declaration in the precious name of Jesus. Jesus became a curse for me and I receive His promise of life and life more abundantly. Thank you Father for setting me free, in Jesus’ name, amen.”

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Repentance and Renunciation


                Repentance is a huge part of spiritual warfare. As a matter of fact, its importance cannot be overstated. Before we get into its applicability for spiritual warfare, I must first address a misconception. It is a true statement that Jesus died to forgive us of our sins. Not only does His death pay for the sins that we committed before we came to Him, but it is sufficient to pay for those sins that we commit after coming to Him. Therefore, some have erroneously concluded that we are cleansed of every sin we commit as a Christian even before we commit it. Let’s take a look at the following verse.

                “If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” (1 John 1:8-10)

                Notice the “we” and “us” language that the apostle uses here. This passage is clearly not intended to be applied only to when we initially repent of our sins and acknowledge Jesus as Lord. This passage is relevant throughout our walk as Christians. We are certainly cleansed when we initially repent, but we will all fall short of the mark again. For those of you that don’t know, sin literally means to miss the mark.

                When we miss the mark we need cleansing. This is why we repent. Our repentance allows God to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. This means that although we are Christian, when we do unrighteous things—that unrighteousness follows us. Think about garbage. What does garbage attract? It attracts flies, vermin, rodents and other undesirables. Plus it stinks! What does unrighteousness attract? It attracts the activity of the kingdom of darkness to you in the same way garbage attracts flies and vermin.

                To solve the problem of flies and vermin our first step is to remove the garbage that attracted them in the first place. Once the garbage is no longer available they have nothing to stick around for. Just as one might imagine, they will leave in search of garbage and filth somewhere else. It is similar when we begin to repent. When we repent God cleanses us of all that unrighteousness that was attracting the activity of the kingdom of darkness. When the sin is removed from our lives, the emissaries of the kingdom of darkness have little to continually attract them. Sure they may be sent on assignment to attack us from time to time, but the difference is that they are no longer being attracted by our sin.

                Theologically speaking, repent simply means to change our mind. It means to do a complete turnaround; to stop doing what you were doing and to start doing what you weren’t doing. It’s much more than a mental assent. True repentance means that we not only acknowledge that what we are doing is wrong, but that we are ready to let God change us. Once God cleanses us of unrighteousness, we need to stay cleansed. If we continue to go back to the same filth, we will keep attracting the same activity. We must change our mind about our sin and follow through with the change that God introduces into our lives.

                If repentance is not a normal part of your relationship with God, something is wrong. Soberly ask yourself the following question: When was the last time I made repentance a part of my prayer time? If you can’t remember you’re in bad shape. Don’t waste any time, why don’t you repent of the dirt you’ve been doing right now!

                With that taken care of, we will now move on to discuss how repentance is vitally important to spiritual warfare. On a personal level, certain types of sin will open the door to very real demonic activity in our lives. The activity will not stop until we repent.  Even if someone drives the demonic activity out, should we fail to repent the activity will resume after a short amount of time. As it is written:

                “When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.” (Matthew 12:43-45)

                I will now share a brief example of how repentance leads to deliverance from demonic oppression. The following example will be taken from my own life. Before I start, I understand that there are people that teach that a Christian cannot have a demon. They will base this lie on passages like Galatians 3:13 (which states that Christ became a curse for us) and argue that if Christ became a curse for us it is impossible for us to be cursed now (or have any kind of demon). I know from personal experience that this notion is flat out wrong. Just like we are healed by the stripes of Jesus (1 Peter 2:24) yet we can still get sick; Jesus became a curse for us but we can still be cursed. The provision purchased for us by Jesus must be activated by faith…it is not an automatic.

                When I was in college and backsliding in my faith, I was in an ungodly relationship. I was involved with a girl who had a family history racked with witchcraft. She actually had a cousin (whom I never met) that would disappear and reappear at times, being taken to places by spirits. The child was only five or six.

In any case, after we started having sex I developed a twitch. It wasn’t something that affected my life during the daytime, but only when I tried to sleep. As my body would relax it was very difficult for me to stay still. At times my arm or leg would simply jut out violently. I had no explanation for the activity. If I was sleeping next to her, the violent spasms always seemed to be directed towards her. Yes, there were some punches and kicks that happened in my sleep.

As time went on it became more difficult to control and I still didn’t know what was going on. All I knew was that something wasn’t right spiritually. I finally solved the problem one weekend when I was home from school. It was night time and I had lain down to go to sleep in my parent’s house. I was convicted of my fornication and I decided to repent at this time. When I did, I realized (by divine revelation) why the spasms were occurring. A demon had entered me because of fornication! After I repented I commanded the spirit to leave in the name of Jesus.

What happened next was pretty crazy. Right there in that bed my back arched involuntarily. As it arched I felt the spirit leave. It actually came right out of my chest! How do I know the spirit left? From that point forward, the spasms left and never returned. The physical manifestation was completely demonic in origin. Only by repentance was I able to be set free from that oppression.

Some of you reading this are suffering from demonic oppression that is directly tied to the sin that you refuse to part with. Some of you have sin from your past that you have never repented of. Sins like abortion, Ouija board, séances, fornication, adultery, envy, drunkenness, rape, strife, and other sins can all lead to direct demonic oppression in your life. Repent of specific sins, not only from here on forward, but also from those things in your past that you have never specifically repented of.

As a last note, renouncing often goes along with repentance. To renounce simply means to negate the involvement you had with something. It’s almost like rewinding time and allowing the redeeming power of God to make it as if you had never “had that involvement” or “done that thing”. Renouncing is done by simply saying the words, “I renounce all involvement and activity with (or regarding)…” Below you will find a sample prayer that incorporates both repentance and renunciation. As usual, it is just a blueprint so allow the Holy Spirit to cater the prayer to your specific situation.

“Father I repent of (list the specific sins). I renounce all involvement with (list specific activities). I thank you that your word says that if I repent you are faithful to forgive me of my sins and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. I thank you for cleansing me with the precious blood of Jesus. Now all spirits associated with (specific sin) I command you to leave me now and never return in the name of Jesus. I command every door to be closed and sealed by the power of your Holy Spirit, in Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Monday, March 19, 2012



                Imagine this. It’s a cool dark night. The clouds are scattered across the sky in dark and eerie formations. Their appearance is but a mirror of your hearts intent. You stand outside of a giant estate, one that you’ve observed for some time, ever since it was assigned to you. Your job: break in and steal as much stuff as possible.

                Your agility is commendable. The fence guarding the property proves to be more of an inconvenience than a boundary. After you scale it, you creep through the trees and head for the side entrance. Everything is going so perfectly. These unfortunate people are going to be robbed blind, and you are going to be promoted by your boss. You are gloating so loudly inside of your head that you fail to notice one last obstacle.

                You make a break for the door, but as you round the corner of the mansion you find that there is a large man. He is standing at the door with four gigantic snarling dogs. They look like wolves with their grandiose fangs and they all begin to bark in your direction. As you prepare for the worst you realize that they are all on leashes. The man is holding them and he is not letting go. How strange!?

                You regain your composure and begin to creep towards the door again. As you close your proximity you realize that the man has no intention of letting go of the dogs. He is just looking at you and crying. You walk right around the dogs in plain sight, pick the lock, and walk in the house according to plan. You rummage through the various rooms and steal the most valuable things you can find. Once your sack is full, you exit by the same door you came in.  You walk past the dogs that are now practically foaming at the mouth. The man just won’t let them go.  You can’t help but hear His cry over your laughter.  “God, why do you destroy my life and take away everything that is valuable to me!” It dawns on you that he may not have even realized he had dogs on a leash to let go of…


                The purpose of this short story is to illustrate reality for many Christians. The thief is intended to represent the devil’s cohorts that are sent on assignment to destroy our lives. The house represents our life. The things in the house represent the various elements of our lives. The house is surrounded by a fence because although there is protection from God, it does not prevent us from coming under attack. The man represents the Christian and his dogs represent God’s defensive provision. The dogs are on a leash to illustrate the principle of this letter—loosing. Until the man let’s go of those dogs (hence loosing them) there is nothing that they can do to destroy the works of the enemy.

                Last week we discussed binding. Binding is akin to tying up spirits so that they cannot conduct their wicked activity. We also discussed that binding is only one side of a two-sided coin. The other side of that coin is loosing. They go hand-in-hand. Notice how Jesus speaks of both of them in the same breath.

                And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” (Matthew 16:19)

                This scripture, which deals with binding and loosing, also includes a third element: the keys of the kingdom of heaven. What are these keys? We have to keep in mind that whenever we attempt to deal with something involving “the kingdom,” we are dealing with truths that relate to the dimension where God is King. In other words, we are speaking about realities that find their source from outside of the earth realm. In essence, the keys of the kingdom are the promises of God that can be spoken over things in this world to conform them to heavenly realities. Put simply, they are scriptures. As we begin to engage life by speaking scripture over ourselves and the situations around us, we are also given the ability to bind and loose. We bind from heaven to earth, and we loose from heaven to earth. These operations allow us to enforce the will of God in this world.
                While binding stops certain spiritual activity from taking place, loosing causes certain spiritual activity to start taking place. How is this useful? We don’t just want to stop negative activity; we want to promote positive activity. In other words, good has to replace evil. We bind the wickedness and loose the good so that no gaps are left unfilled.

                When we are engaged in spiritual warfare we are to bind and loose. In a Bible study for example, not only do I want to bind distraction and arguments, I want to loose brotherhood, acceptance, peace, and joy. Basically, whatever things, attitudes or activities that are “of God” in Scripture are things we can pray for to be loosed. We can loose the fruit of the spirit (Galatians 5:22-23). We can loose the spirit of the Lord, the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of council, the spirit of might, the spirit of knowledge, and the spirit of the fear of the Lord (Isaiah 11:2). When this type of activity is at work in our lives it is a great benefit to us!

                Moreover, we can also loose angelic activity. In spite of what some people have said, it is possible to loose angels to war in the spirit realm. Some people say, “Why do we need angels when we have Jesus?” Well, if that were a valid question then let me ask you this: why does God bother having an angelic army (2 Kings 6:17, Isaiah 66:15, Revelation 12:7-9)? Why do you think He is called the Lord of Hosts? Do you think they are just there to stand around and play harps! This is what the Bible says of their ministry.

                “But to which of the angels has He ever said: “Sit at My right hand, Till I make Your enemies Your footstool?” Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:13-14)

                They minister to us. Part of their ministry is to fight battles on our behalf in the spirit realm. Think back to our story in the beginning of this letter. Many of you reading this are like that poor man that just stands there and cries at God. The thief goes in your house, takes your stuff, leaves, laughs at you, and gets promoted. You on the other hand are literally standing there with access to an army that can be loosed! What can we expect when we begin to loose the ministry of angels to destroy the works of the wicked one? We can expect that the foolish thief will take his nasty self out of your stuff so quick he won’t ever want to go back. He’ll probably get hurt pretty bad in the process of escaping too!

                So let’s get practical. How do we loose? I’ve typed out some prayers below that can be used as examples. Tailor them to the leading of the Spirit for your particular situation and watch God’s kingdom begin to go to work for you like you’ve never imagined. Just like binding, this is not theory—this is a proven art of war.

                “Father, right now I loose joy in this place (house, workplace, church, etc.). I thank you that your kingdom is righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, and I declare this place is kingdom territory in Jesus’ name, amen.”

                “Father, right now I loose a spirit of might in my friend (person you are praying for). Just like the spirit of might rested upon Jesus, I thank you that a spirit of might now rests upon my friend. You have not given us a spirit of fear but of power. Thank you for your empowerment in Jesus’ name, amen.”

                “Father, right now I loose warring angels to destroy the works of witchcraft in my neighborhood. I declare that darkness can no longer prevail and the glorious light of Jesus Christ will break through in Jesus’ name, amen.”

                “Father, right now I loose angels of deliverance to break every demonic cord and bondage that the enemy is using to hold my friend captive such as (name specific areas of oppression in the friends life) in Jesus’ name, amen.”

                As you can see, loosing has a wide range of applicability. The trick is not to memorize these prayers, but to see them as a guide. During your prayer times, be sensitive to the Holy Spirit. Allow Him to lead you into binding and loosing and you will find that the power of your prayer life will be ramped up by a whole order of magnitude.

Saturday, March 10, 2012



                Have you ever looked at a contraption, pondered everything you were taking in, and asked yourself, “so how exactly does this work?” I like to think about the cockpit of an airplane. There are a lot of buttons, switches, and gauges. Until trained, you can look at a cockpit; you can understand that it can be used to direct an airplane, but you will not know how it works. The same can be true of spiritual warfare based on the Word of God. You can understand that the Word of God contains everything necessary to engage the powers of darkness, but until trained, it can be like looked at a cockpit. There is so much to take in and so much possibility, where do we begin?

                This letter and those that will follow are going to explain the language of spiritual warfare. When engaging the powers of darkness in prayer, there are certain phrases that seasoned prayer veterans will use on a regular basis. When we are provided with the language of spiritual warfare, it removes the veil of confusion. It will allow even beginners to know exactly what they are doing. It is in this way that the saints are equipped, something that God is getting very serious about in this hour.

“And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ” (Ephesians 4:11-12 NKJV)

                When I was growing up in the church, I learned a lot about Jesus, but almost nothing about warfare. That’s why when God first started taking me into the arena of spiritual warfare I simply didn’t know how to effectively address the powers of darkness in prayer. I would pray that God would help me with things, and I would pray that He would provide me with the things I needed. I would also thank Him for my blessings. This was prayer, but this was not warfare. Unfortunately, I have observed that this is the extent of prayer for many Christians.

                Warfare involves confronting the enemy. Just like real war, if soldiers simply ask their guns to help them and thank their guns for their blessings they won’t get very far. In fact, when their enemies find them they will be mercilessly shot at and ambushed. Some of you reading this have been mercilessly shot at and ambushed by the enemy. It’s time to begin to use your weapons.

                The language of binding is the first aspect that I’m going to explain. It comes from the following verse.

“And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19)

Binding and loosing really go hand in hand, but we are going to address them one at a time. Binding involves tying up, inhibiting the activity of, and cutting off. When someone is tied and gagged in the natural, they pose no threat. They cannot stop whatever is happening around them because they are bound. Just like a person (or animal) can be bound in the natural, things can be bound in the heavens.

When we talk about binding in the heavens, we are talking about inhibiting certain types of spiritual activity. This is necessary because getting certain things done in the spirit realm requires that certain spirits are tied up. Let’s consider an example.

Let’s say there is a certain man named Burt. Burt is single, wild, and just so happens to be a raging alcoholic. Burt’s friend is named Will. Will is a Christian and has been trying to get Burt to come to his Bible Study for months. Burt seems open to the invitation and plans to go almost every time. However, when the day comes and Will goes to pick Burt up, Burt is never home. It never fails that there was some party, some conflict at the bar, or some other excuse involving alcohol that thwarted Burt’s genuine intention to attend the Bible Study. The excuse always ends with “maybe next time.”

In cases like this the course of events are often being directed from the spirit realm. It is no coincidence that after months of invitations Burt has yet to make one Bible Study. Chances are that a spirit of alcoholism is working overtime to direct Burt to anything and everything that will keep him from meeting Jesus. Until this spirit is bound, it is possible that he will continue to work “coincidences” into Burt’s life indefinitely.

As a responsible Christian, Will should not just pray that God “would help” Burt to show up. He should use his kingdom citizenship and authority to BIND the spirit of alcoholism that is at work in Burt’s life. When this spirit is bound, Burt’s excuses will dry up.

Think about it like this. If a guard is standing in front of a building to keep you out, what is the easiest way to get into that building? The answer: the easiest way is to immobilize the guard so that he cannot prevent you from going in. If this is possible, why would one waste time to consider any other alternatives?

This was the exact point that Jesus was making when He spoke the following:

“No man can enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he will first bind the strong man; and then he will spoil his house.” (Mark 3:27)

Wicked spirits can serve as strong men in the heavens. This activity will occur on three major levels. First, there can be a strong man in the life of an individual. Second, there can be a strong man over a family or community. Third, there can be a strong man over large geographies like cities, states and nations. In many cases, all of the above are true. Binding the strong men that get in the way of the advancement of the kingdom is a necessary part of our faith.

To illustrate the importance of binding in the heavens consider this. Pastor Yonggi Cho of the largest church in the world (having nearly 1 million members) attributes his success to binding up the strongman over South Korea. What did it take? To bind up a spirit on this level it took one year of 24 hour prayer. Now that it is bound, believers there continue to pray 24 hours per day to keep it bound. Binding is a very real, very powerful, and clearly scriptural weapon of warfare. Although a single believer will not be able to successfully bind a spirit that is operating on a national level, we can bind the strongmen that hold captive our friends and family members.

When it comes to binding, I need to make a point of clarification. We must understand that binding spirits is not the same as casting spirits out. While casting evil spirits out is also an important part of our faith (Mark 16:17), it is a very different operation. When it comes to individuals, it is often necessary to bind the spirits keeping them from Christ in order for them to see Jesus clearly. Once an individual has received Jesus and they want deliverance, casting evil spirits out of them becomes another issue entirely. Binding does not cast spirits out, it simply keeps them from operating.

On corporate levels, binding is particularly important. For instance, I will never host a Bible study without first binding the spirits of distraction and confusion. In a church setting, there is no telling who may be among those gathered. In order for God’s Spirit to flow, any evil spirits that may want to operate through individuals should be bound prior to the service. Witches are often sent to churches by their covens for this very reason. They will fail in their assignments if the spirits they carry in with them are bound.

The language of binding is simple. We simply have to discern what kind of activity we want to see stopped. Once we do, we simply speak to that activity in the following way:

“I BIND the spirit of (alcoholism, distraction, witchcraft, etc.) with chains from heaven. You will not work, operate, manifest, or so much as make a peep in the mighty name of Jesus. According to the Word of God, whatever I bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatever I loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Therefore ___________ you are bound up hand and foot and all ability for you to conduct your wicked activity is cancelled in Jesus’ name”

When we are conducting spiritual warfare, we always do it in the name of Jesus because it is His name that is above every name. He has all power in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18) and when we speak His Word in His name, we release His power. As we are releasing His power, we use our authority in Him to directly confront the powers of darkness. Think about the soldier example. We don’t speak to our guns; we point our guns and fire them at the enemy. Speak to the spirits you are binding and call them bound. You will undoubtedly find great power being released. This is not theory; it is a proven art of war.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Angels and Demons Part 6


                This week we are going to pick up where we left off and explore the issue of hybrid creatures. First of all, does the Bible speak of hybrid creatures? Did things like Centaurs and Nagas exist? Could they exist today? Let’s begin our conversation around the satyr. A satyr according to mythology was a human/goat hybrid. Does the Bible acknowledge their existence? Absolutely!

                “But wild beasts of the desert shall lie there; and their houses shall be full of doleful creatures; and owls shall dwell there, and satyrs shall dance there.” (Isaiah 13:21)

                The most common rebuttal I get when I point this verse out to skeptics is that their version of the Bible translates this word as shaggy goat. Could it be that the translators of the King James Version were just being sloppy?

                “But desert creatures will lie down there, And their houses will be full of owls; Ostriches also will live there, and shaggy goats will frolic there.” (Isaiah 13:21 NASB)

Let’s take a closer look shall we? The Hebrew word translated satyr in Isaiah 13:21 is the word sa’iyr. According to definition given by Strong’s Concordance this word can mean a devil, a goat, a kid, hairy, rough, or satyr. So how do we distinguish what meaning is actually being implied here? To answer this question we will look at two seemingly unrelated scriptures.

“And they shall no more offer their sacrifices unto devils, after whom they have gone a whoring. This shall be a statute for ever unto them throughout their generations.” (Leviticus 17:7)

“And he [Rehoboam, son of Solomon] ordained him priests for the high places, and for the devils, and for the calves which he had made.” (2 Chronicles 11:15)

So what do these verses have to do with our topic? Everything! Notice that I have bolded the word “devils” in both passages. The Hebrew word translated devils in these passages is—you guessed it—sa’yir! Trying to argue that sacrifices were being made to “shaggy goats” is about as ridiculous as pouring coffee into a coke bottle and arguing that the drink is actually coke. The context and interpretation is obviously speaking to more than an animal that produces milk and cheese. God literally rebuked the Israelites for making sacrifices to satyrs after He delivered them from Egypt. The Israelites actually whored themselves after these creatures. Moreover, Rehoboam moved to reinstitute this type of sacrifice and worship. The hybrids were real because the Bible says so—plain and simple.

Moreover, we must understand that the Bible reveals to us that these hybrids were inherently evil. It straightforwardly associates these creatures with a demonic nature in the original language and word use. This is our biblical premise for moving further into this study. The Bible supports the concept of hybrids, and it helps us to understand that when they occur, their nature is demonic. It can be deduced by simple logic that like nephilim, when hybrid creatures die, their spirits also join the spirit realm as demons. They are not treated like human spirits, and they are certainly not angels.

It is true that the Bible does not make reference to every mythological creature referenced by various mythologies. However, by simply understanding that the Bible speaks about the existence of hybrids, it makes room for the possibility that any and all of the so-called mythological creatures of other cultures may have existed at one time. This leaves us at a veritable Pandora’s Box. How do hybrid creatures come about and what is the agenda behind their creation?

In the book of Revelation we find that during the fifth trumpet judgment, bizarre creatures are being loosed from a place called the pit. I hinted at this earlier this year but the pit actually resides in another dimension. It’s is not something you will encounter while driving to your local grocery store. The king over this place is a fallen angel named Abaddon. It is from this passage that we can begin to gain a better understanding regarding hybrid creatures.

“And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts upon the earth: and unto them was given power, as the scorpions of the earth have power…And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle; and on their heads were as it were crowns like gold, and their faces were as the faces of men. And they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions. And they had breastplates, as it were breastplates of iron; and the sound of their wings was as the sound of chariots of many horses running to battle. And they had tails like unto scorpions, and there were stings in their tails: and their power was to hurt men five months. And they had a king over them, which is the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue is Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath his name Apollyon. (Revelation 9:1-3, 7-11)

When we go into the original language it is confirmed that the entire description of these creatures is anatomical. Even the breastplates that this passage describes are an anatomical feature of these abominations. They are very much physical in nature and they are described as part human, part horse, part scorpion, and part lion with something else mixed in there to cause them to grow wings. What do you call a living organism that appears like this? It is a hybrid. When we take into account that their king is a fallen angel we also glean that the agenda to create hybrid creatures is something that originates with fallen angels. This allows fallen angels to expand the army of darkness. When hybrid creatures die, their spirits are then subjugated and still used to further the satanic agenda.

Although these particular hybrids of Revelation 9 are specifically reserved for release at the fifth trumpet, the agenda for hybrids has never been limited to the last days. Hybrids clearly existed in the Old Testament and with thousands of years to refine their technologies, what do you think Satan and his minions are up to today? They are tinkering with all kinds of possibilities in order to create their own army. Why don’t we see them today? Much of the work being done to this end has taken place in the heavenly places (or other dimensions) where fallen angels are located. Some things do seem to take place on earth, usually as part of black projects in underground bases, but to this end I will leave you to do your own research.

In any case, this is why the Bible discusses a population in the last days that was never written into the book of life. When we understand how the book of life works, our conclusion can only be that this is a non-human population.

It is not just angels working on this kind of thing, but humans are involved now as well. Just this past summer a news article was released reporting that 150 human animal hybrids were grown in UK labs. As a matter of fact, one woman actually testifies to being used as a ‘psychic’ in order to astral project into the bodies of hybrid creatures (being grown in underground bases as part of black projects) and assess their thoughts and feelings (note that she is not Christian if you choose to listen to her story).

The conclusion of the matter is that all of these problems are our responsibility as God’s people in the earth. We will be confronted with all of these forms of evil, and we will be called to continue to establish the victory of Jesus Christ in spite of them. The only reason any of this would scare a Christian is if that person’s view of God is too small. If you’re scared, it’s time to change your perspective on just how powerful God is. Not only does God have solutions to all of these problems, He has chosen you to be a part of the army that He will use to confront them. Even if you don’t want to, it is my assessment that the day will come when you won’t have a choice. You will fall away, stand for Jesus, or hide behind someone that thinks like me. When everything I have discussed over the past several weeks has manifested, the eschatological season for the following verse will have been established. I will stand firm and do great exploits for God. What about you?

“And such as violate the covenant he shall pervert and seduce with flatteries, but the people who know their God shall prove themselves strong and shall stand firm and do exploits [for God].” (Daniel 11:32 AMP)