Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Joseph Generation

                I often hear talk about a “Joseph generation”. This is phraseology amongst Christians which describes a group of individuals that God is raising up to have the attributes modeled by the biblical Joseph. The story of Joseph is found in the latter part of the book of Genesis.
               Joseph’s father was Jacob (whose name was later changed to Israel). Joseph was one of twelve sons sired by his father. The offspring of these sons became the twelve tribes of Israel. Several things set Joseph apart from his other brothers. For one, he was the son of his father’s old age (Genesis 37:3). Two, he was the first born of his mother Rachel. This is the wife that Jacob wound up working fourteen years for! When Rachel died giving birth to Joseph’s younger brother Benjamin it set Joseph apart even more (Genesis 35:16-20).
                Joseph’s favor began with his father. As the story of Joseph continues we find that favor was with him no matter where he went. When was sold to an Egyptian slave owner he had favor and even when he was falsely accused by the Egyptian’s wife and sent to prison he found favor. The verses below show the favor he had with his father, the favor he had with his Egyptian master, and the favor that he had with the warden of the prison.

                “Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children because he was the son of his old age, and he made him a [distinctive] long tunic with sleeves.” (Genesis 37:3 AMP)
“But the Lord was with Joseph, and he [though a slave] was a successful and prosperous man; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian.” (Genesis 39:2 AMP)
“But the Lord was with Joseph, and showed him mercy and loving-kindness and gave him favor in the sight of the warden of the prison.” (Genesis 39:23 AMP)

The favor that began with his father followed him into every situation and circumstance. Joseph was also granted prophetic insight that unfortunately ignited violent opposition from his brothers. When he was seventeen years old he dreamed dreams and began to “cast the vision” before he had time to process it and communicate it out of a right spirit. Though the dreams were true, the implications were too much for his brothers to handle. Both of his dreams prophesied that the day would come when his father and brothers would all stand before him and bow (Genesis 37:7-10).
The reason why Joseph ended up becoming the slave of an Egyptian (and ultimately put in jail) was because his brothers not only rejected him but conspired against him. They threw him into a pit and then sold him to slave traders and told Jacob that he was dead! Sounds pretty terrible right?
I acknowledge that there is a generation in the earth today that carries the mantle of Joseph. They are going to excel in business. They are going to bring enormous amounts of wealth into the kingdom. They will have wisdom beyond their years and operate according to prophetic clarity. They will have enormous amounts of favor and they will be great assets in the hands of God.
However, before all of this is true the Joseph generation will be rejected, kicked out, given the left foot of ministry, declared a “threat,” and told that they are bringing division to the established order of things. They are going to be betrayed by those closest to them, they will find themselves isolated, and in some cases seemingly left without hope. As a matter of fact, some of the very people that preach and prophesy about a coming “Joseph Revolution” are guilty of suppressing and rejecting the “Josephs” that God has sent them.
The mantle of favor and excellence that is upon the Joseph generation is awe-inspiring. However, arising Josephs will find the most immediate and painful opposition from the very spiritual family that they belong to. This should come as no surprise.
The good news is that the day finally came when Joseph was released from prison and brought before the Egyptian Pharaoh. He was presented before Pharaoh in order to decipher Pharaoh’s dreams. After being told the dreams, the Lord revealed to Joseph that there would be seven years of plenty followed by seven years of famine. After Joseph interpreted the dreams he was made second in the kingdom of Egypt and put in charge of preparations for the coming seven years of famine.
Sure enough the famine came and eventually left Jacob and his household without food. When they realized that they were out of food they sought to purchase some from Egypt (as many other people were doing). In order to do this, they had to go through Joseph. To make a long story short, the day came when Joseph’s dreams were fulfilled. However, when it became understood that God had allowed for everything to happen—unity was reestablished between Joseph and his family. 

“And he fell on his brother Benjamin's neck and wept, and Benjamin wept on his neck. Moreover, he kissed all his brothers and wept upon them; and after that his brothers conversed with him.” (Genesis 45:14-15 AMP)

Not only was unity established, but provisions were made that would not have come about any other way. The entire tribe of Israel was permitted to move into the land of Goshen and live on Egypt’s resources for the duration of the famine. Moreover, his whole family received favor from the Egyptian government.
When we are talking about a Joseph generation we are essentially saying that the anointing and mantle that rested upon the historical Joseph is now being placed upon an entire group of people within God’s kingdom. While it is true that this mantle comes with favor, prophetic clarity, an anointing to produce wealth, and an assortment of other benefits and blessings, it also comes with a price and a mandatory period of testing. Many that have a “Joseph mantle” will face rejection, persecution, and opposition. Nonetheless, in the end God will work all things to the good of those that love him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28). He will work through the adverse circumstances that His Josephs experience and use them to create provisions for His body that would otherwise not occur. In the end, one of the most powerful ramifications of the Joseph revolution will be the unity that manifests as a result.


1.       What do people mean when they make reference to a Joseph generation?
2.       What are the benefits of being part of the Joseph generation?
3.       What are the burdens of being part of the Joseph generation?
4.       Why will the Joseph generation produce unity?
5.       Do you see yourself as part of the Joseph generation?

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Parable of 2 Kingdoms

                Once upon a time there were two kingdoms. The kings of these two kingdoms were diametrically opposed. As a matter of fact there was only one thing that they agreed on. They were agreed on the fact that they agreed about nothing. For this reason, they were continually at war.

                One of the kings was valiant and brave. He was a hero of heroes and supremely powerful. A parable was often spoken of this king. It was said that “wisdom itself was birthed from his loins.” This king’s style of rulership was just, fair, and compassionate. This king not only loved his people, he loved his enemies as well. The people of his kingdom simply called him Father because of the affection they had for him.

                The other king was a coward. He was cunning and intelligent, yet he never took responsibility and always blamed his faults on others. He was harsh, despicable, and he lied all the time. A parable was often spoken of this king. It was said that “lies and deception were birthed from his loins.” This king was a ruthless tyrant over his kingdom. The people of his kingdom called him the devil because he was wicked to the core.

                Each kingdom sat upon its own mountain and there was a deep valley between the mountains. This valley was full of dead men’s bones, disease, and constant fear of war. Whenever the kingdoms went to war, they fought their battles there. Those that took up residence in this valley could never find peace and fulfillment. Since the valley wasn’t technically its own kingdom, it had a mayor. The mayor’s name was Pride.

The Father’s kingdom sat on a beautiful mountain full of every treasure imaginable. It was always brilliant and shining and it was said that from a distance it looked like a lamp set upon a hill. The food of this kingdom was the best in the world. Everyone drank “milk of the word” and “living water”. The older people ate “strong meat” and everyone partook of the “fruit of the Spirit”. The “bread of life” was served in every bakery. As far as the real estate, there were only mansions and they were all free because the Father’s son paid for them.

The devil’s kingdom sat upon a mountain that was always covered by thick black clouds. There was never any sunshine. Nothing ever got better because laws were never passed. There was only one law. Obey the devil when he wants you to do something, or else lose your life by various forms of torture. As far as the real estate, there were only apartments because the devil owned everything. They were unclean, had no running water, and were ridiculously expensive. Everything in his kingdom came with a high price.

As crazy as this may sound, the devil’s kingdom actually had a very large population. However, what was even more shocking was the population of the valley. Many of the citizens of the Father’s kingdom chose not to live on his mountain. Instead they built shacks in the valley. The materials that were used to build these shacks were exported from the devil’s kingdom, and as you can imagine, they were overpriced. The lives of those in the valley were racked by war and torment.

The devil would often attack those living in the valley. The Father would come and fight against the devil when the people in the valley called for his help. Unfortunately, many times they wouldn’t call. The devil would often go into this valley and get away with beating up on people. Every once in a while, he would even take prisoners back to his mountain and make them pay rent for one of his filthy apartments. He would put them in places like “Bitterness Lane,” “Selfishness Street,” “Addiction Avenue,” “Pornography Place,” or the dreaded “Fornication Station.” The Father grieved continually for those both in the valley and in the devil’s kingdom.


                This story is meant to illustrate many of the things going on in the spirit realm today. It is inspired by a conversation that I had with a friend of mine. Whenever a country is invaded, those that are first to lose out are those that live in the outskirts and small villages. These little villages have no defense and are often separated from the military might of the major cities of the kingdom or nation. They will have no walls and they might not even have trained warriors. Thus when another kingdom or nation attacks, all they can do is lose.

                Many people in the body of Christ have recreated this scenario by spiritually separating themselves from other believers. By doing this they effectively remove accountability and mutual spiritual support and wind up in a spiritual valley. This is often done by refusing to attend a church or Bible fellowship. However, I want to add that this can be done within a church as well. Relationship with other believers is the key. Without relationship and accountability it is only a matter of time before pride begins to affect the person. This is why Pride was the mayor of the valley in our illustration. Pride leads to things like self will, selfishness, resentment, and a host of other sinful acts and attitudes.
                Those that pay the price to submit and sacrifice their lives and do everything the Father asks of them will inevitably find themselves housed upon the mountain. They will be able to take full advantage of the inheritance Jesus purchased for them because they will be freely interacting with it. This is illustrated by those living on the Father’s mountain in their mansions. We are all given mansions (John 14:2) in our heavenly places (Ephesians 2:6), but many people will go their whole lives without ever accessing any of the blessings stored up there (Galatians 5:19-21). This isn’t the Father’s will but it is the choice of the individuals.

                On another level, this is also true of church congregations. Many refuse to partner with other bodies of believers. They prefer to be by themselves. In my opinion, it is almost just as bad for a group of believers to sequester themselves from the body of Christ at large as it is for an individual to separate themselves from a church home. These churches will remain ineffective on a larger scale. No single church can reach an entire city for Christ. It takes cooperation. When we look at state wide or nationwide levels of influence, this fact becomes even more pronounced.
                We as the body of Christ need to get out of the valley and unite upon the Father’s mountain. It won’t be easy, but it is necessary. When we look at the story, it illustrates that true unity isn’t intended to be established among those in the valley. They are too busy arguing their own points and living in the warzone to think clearly and be effective. Pride is the authority over the people in the valley. Those that live in the valley will not unite and if they try it will simply fail.

Unity is intended to be established by God among those that are willing to submit their lives in order to live on His Mountain and freely interact with their inheritance. Among those that are willing to live this lifestyle, God will establish unity. It will be these people that accomplish the purposes of God as a powerful force of righteousness in a lost and dying world. Those that remain in the valley will remain ineffective and live lives racked by spiritual war, a lack of peace, and repetitive failure.


1.       Where do most of the Christians in your sphere of influence live: the kingdom of the Father, the Valley, or the Kingdom of Darkness?
2.       Where do you live?
3.       Why do you believe that this is your current spiritual location?
4.       What can be done in your life to migrate into a place of more power and effectiveness as a citizen of the Father’s kingdom?
5.       What will be required for unity to be established among the people of God?

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Unity and the Coming Antichrist

                Unity is the vehicle through which many of the final works of the church will be accomplished. This week we are going to weave the message of unity into the message of the last days. We have looked at the message of unity from this perspective on several occasions throughout this year, so those of you that read these letters regularly will have some familiarity with this subject.
                The Bible is clear that God is going to present a bride without spot or wrinkle or any such thing to His Son Jesus Christ (Ephesians 5:27). He will also bring us to the unity of the faith and to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ. (Ephesians 4:13). This means that among other things discord, arguments and division will have been put away. This is not true of the church today. If for no other reason, this is enough evidence to throw away the thought that Jesus can return and make us “disappear” at any time—it simply isn’t scriptural. We aren’t going anywhere until we fulfill scriptural qualifications that warrant the return of Christ. The Bible says heaven must receive Jesus until the restitution of all things.
“Whom the heaven must receive until the times of restitution of all things, which God hath spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began” (Acts 3:21)
We cannot receive anything except it be given to us by heaven. This means that heaven has to sign off on the return of Jesus. Heaven will not sign off on His return until the restitution of all things. The church began on one accord in the upper room (Acts 2), and it will end in one accord as He is returning. A man can receive nothing unless it is given to him from heaven.
“John answered and said, A man can receive nothing, except it be given him from heaven” (John 3:27)
                Since we are not going anywhere until certain things are true of the body of Christ, and since many people (maybe even you) tend to be hardheaded and uncooperative with God’s purposes, we are going to be here for some time. There is only one vehicle that solves the problems that are between where the church is (divided, full of sin, lukewarm, etc) and where the church must arrive (glorious, without spot or wrinkle, united, etc). This vehicle is great tribulation. It is inevitable that someone reading this will immediately say, “That’s impossible because we aren’t appointed to God’s wrath, so we can’t go through tribulation (1 Thessalonians 1:10)!” What needs to be pointed out is that the great tribulation that Jesus mentions in Matthew 24:21 isn’t the wrath of God; it’s the wrath of Satan and his child otherwise known as the antichrist.
In the book of Revelation there are seven seals (Revelation 6 and 8), seven trumpets judgments (Revelation 8, 9 and 11), and seven bowls of wrath. The trumpet judgments do not begin until after the seven seals have been opened. Likewise, the bowls of God’s wrath aren’t poured out until after the trumpets have all sounded. They are all chronological. The wrath of God is contained in the bowls of God’s wrath that are poured out in Revelation 16. His apocalyptic wrath isn’t revealed prior to these bowls. At the seventh trumpet (Revelation 11:15), which is synonymous with the end of the great tribulation, Jesus returns for the catching away of the church (1 Thessalonians 4:15-17) thus delivering us from the bowls of God’s wrath that are about to be poured out. Put simply, the bowls of God’s wrath come after the great tribulation.
                When the antichrist is here several things will be occurring that will make living on earth uncomfortable (to put it softly). Just how uncomfortable will it get? The arrival of the antichrist will basically begin a “new age” that will threaten to destroy all flesh. The only reason that it won’t destroy all flesh will be because Jesus will return and cut those days short for the sake of His elect. Persevering through these days will require unity.
                “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.” (Matthew 24:22)
                In the book of 2 Thessalonians the arrival of the antichrist is described. I’m going to go through some key points, not to scare you, but to motivate you to get on board with the agenda of God. It’s for your own good. Consider what is written:
“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let [otherwise known as the “restrainer”], until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that Wicked [the antichrist] be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:7-9)
When the restrainer is removed the antichrist will be revealed. This revealing involves the working of Satan with all power, signs and lying wonders. What are these lying wonders? They actually come together to produce a counterfeit second coming. This is why the sixth seal reads the way it does. The men that say “the Lamb’s wrath has come” are deceived by the lying wonders. They are just as deceived in their speech as Peter was when Jesus rebuked him for suggesting that Jesus shouldn’t die (Matthew 16:21-23). They are watching the arrival of the antichrist, an event the church will not be removed from.
“I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became like blood. And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as a fig tree drops its late figs when it is shaken by a mighty wind. Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every mountain and island was moved out of its place. And the kings of the earth, the great men, the rich men, the commanders, the mighty men, every slave and every free man, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains, and said to the mountains and rocks, “Fall on us and hide us from the face of Him who sits on the throne and from the wrath of the Lamb! For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?” (Revelation 6:12-17)
                Consider the degree of power that will be necessary to produce such a cataclysmic scenario. This will be the same power that backs the antichrist. It will be so spectacular that men will be deceived into thinking that it is the day of the Lord’s wrath and that Jesus is actually returning. Is it really conceivable to successfully stand against this degree of opposition as a people divided? Is it possible to maintain our faith, our concept of purpose, and our identification with God under this scenario if we’re devoting our time and energy to fighting with our brothers and sisters in Christ? How ridiculous! It’s time to begin to unite and build the infrastructure necessary to stand against the greatest darkness that history will ever reveal!
1.       What is a vehicle through which many of the final works of the church will be brought about?
2.       Has the church met the clear biblically defined qualifications for the return of Christ?
3.       Do you know Christians that are hardheaded when it comes to the purposes of God?
4.       How do we know that the sixth seal of Revelation is a counterfeit second coming?
5.       Do you feel as though you have the kind of understanding regarding the last days that God would want you to have? Why or why not?

The Vision of Daniel Duval

                Instead of a letter this week this I am including a link to a YouTube video. This is a seven minute version of my vision set to music. In it I give context for why I believe so strongly in the unity of the church and how I believe it fits into God’s purpose for the last days. If you listen to it and it bears witness with your spirit I encourage you to forward it to other people you know and spread the word.

                Also, if you haven’t been to my website recently I want to encourage you to visit. There are numerous audio files available containing powerful teaching and revelation. I have a free mini-book available on the Life Coaching page as well as other free materials to be found on the products page. I have also released my first Audio product called The Kingdom. It is a compilation of my best Kingdom teachings. They have been edited for clarity, pacing, and quality and are available on an MP3 CD for only $5 plus Shipping and handling. This can be ordered on the products page. Last of all, the video archive is finally available and I will begin periodically adding new videos so I encourage you to check back often! God Bless you.